Well, I have PCOS firstly. I'm 33 and slightly overweight which isn't helping, also Hypothyroid (medicated though). I explained in a previous thread that back in October I stopped my Microlite birth control pills to see if my periods would return to normal by themselves and take some time off the BC as well. It was 4 months before they returned in February this year. I had about 4 days bleed before they gradually went again (a normal length), then they were gone on the 17th February so it's been nearly 23 days since my last period.

As I'm watching and tracking my periods very closely, I'm still a little confused about anything I read online about cramping before periods. I know the normal cycle is 28 days, and that cramps usually come when the periods are coming or spotting, but several days to a week early? Is that normal at all? All I read online said that is was Implantation periods, pregnancy (definitely not a possibility here at all, as I've not had sex in a number of years), endometriosis and UTI, cyst and other things. I have PCOS so not sure if that would be a reason, but if I was starting to get a normal cycle would the cramping be normal too?

I'va had this mild cramping in my lower stomach area (I call the pouch area) since yesterday. It's not getting in the way of my daily activities or chores or crippling, just a very mild/subtle cramp. I also have super tender breasts right now, which I get before periods. I'm just feeling super confused and slightly anxious too. I can feel my mood is very agitated too.

Should I be worried about this? Not sure how to feel at the moment.