I know this particular issue doesn't affect me personally, but there is an article on the BBC website today about Gavin Williamson proposing restrictions on pupils carrying or at least using their phones on school premises, due to potential fears of discipline problems attributed to the recent lockdowns.

I'm kind of 'on the fence' over this.

Whilst one half of me believes that many kids have in many ways become far too embroiled in such devices in general over the past 15 years or so, and can be detrimental to and unhealthy for them, even when not at school, when used to excess, the other half of me believes that that same policy could be a bit too draconian and potentially unworkable in practice, plus likely cause even more polarisation between pupils and teachers.

Also discipline problems amongst school kids in general have been known to exist in various forms for eons, and if it wasn't phones it would probably be other things that would be 'scapegoated'.

Back in my day (in the 80s and early 90s) it was Walkman cassette players/ portable boomboxes and even watching TV excessively that were often blamed for corrupting school kids and causing their brains to become addled!