Hi all, I'm really scared. I noticed a small movable but hardish lump by my left collar bone 2 weeks ago. It was a bit sore which is why I noticed it.... Of course I went on Google which made me panic. Apparently that's one of the most worrying places to have swollen lymph nodes, most cases are malignant according to Google 😑 Especially worrying cos I have other symptoms that have been getting progressively worse. Night sweats, Exhaustion, Dizziness, Bloated tummy And breathlessness. Now I'm well aware that all those symptoms could be anxiety related, but they also happen to match exactly the accompanying symptoms to lookout for with this type of lymph node swelling... marvellous.

My anxiety has been getting progressively worse throughout this pandemic. I had a mental breakdown in January. I have Chiari Malformation type 1, which is flaring up and I think I'm going through perimenopause... so this is all completely overwhelming me and exacerbating my anxiety.

I also read in my Google searches that there have been an increase in lymph node swelling reports with medical practices following people having their Covid19 vaccines.. found several articles saying not to worry if you get swollen nodes in your arm pit or collar bone on the side of your injection following vaccination. This reassured me temporarily, as I had had my vaccine the day before I felt the lump BUT, it's been 15 days since my jab and it's still there and now I'm questioning whether it was there before and all my other symptoms are getting worse and I'm totally spiralling.... 😔

I'm not sure what I'm hoping anyone could say to me at this point, but if anyone has had anything the same or similar, please share, as I'm now waiting to hear back from my gp having done an eConsult form online.. they won't get back to me till Monday... I'm terrified they'll send me to get it checked, my literal worst nightmare, I'm scared my anxiety is going to get worse and worse and I'm petrified of the obvious. 😩