Not sure as to whether or not this is the most apt thread to post this but last night I had this extremely bizarre but bittersweet dream about the respite unit I have been looking into attending over the past few months (that has obviously been put on the back burner during the meantime owing to the Covid situation).

Coincidentally (and ironically) that unit is on the exact same site as another respite unit I attended back in the early 90s when I was in my early teens, but that 'old' unit that was for intended for children between 0 and 18, closed down about 10 years ago and moved elsewhere, then the building razed to the ground to make way for a new building conversely intended as a respite unit for adults instead, which is now approximately 8 years old.

In the dream, despite the building being completely different and re-built IRL, beyond the main entrance (which is on the same side as that of the old building), there were still remaining elements of the old building, and my bed was initially in the corridor, along with a few others, which made it feel a bit hospital-like, and then me and my bed were moved into a room that had been used as a lounge earlier in the day, and people had been smoking in there (which some of the staff did in the office of the old building with the door wedged wide open, and all their ciggy smoke wafting around the place), and immediately thinking 'what the hell am I doing staying here'?

Just dead bizarre, especially as people smoking inside the building, be they staff members or other clients, would never actually happen today IRL, nor would we be expected to kip in the corridor!

Sorry for being a bore-fest to you all, I had to get it out of my system!