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Thread: Third times a charm....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Third times a charm....

    Right? So I missed my first appt because I'd anxiety, then my second I had such a migraine I couldn't drive. I have an appt tomorrow and can either get the pfizer or thr J&J. My mom says I should just get the one and done and be over with it. I'm so terrified about long term effects or being one of the few that have something happen afterwards. My husband said he will take me if he's able to get work off, even if he doesn't want me to go. I'm just scared of bring one of the few that get blood clots or something bad afterwards and I don't know how to shake the negative. The anxiety over the whole thing is making me sick and I can't handle it. I want to do what's right for my kids but I'm afraid of the worst case scenario.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Re: Third times a charm....

    Are the blood clot claims still holding water? I remember possible scaremongering about blood clots a few weeks ago but that was put to bed quite quickly so I don't know if there are more reports about other vaccines or not.

    It's your choice whether to get vaccinated or not. Weigh it up yourself and go for it if you want it, or you can wait a bit longer if you're not ready yet. I'm not a fan of needles at all and I've had adverse reactions to things before so I understand the worry over being one of the rare few who has a reaction from it. Would it be worth you speaking to a professional about it to tell them your concerns and see what they have to say about the risks? There are positives and negatives to most things in life and it's all about weighing the two. They might tell you that it's very unlikely you'll have any adverse effects from it and that might help you decide when/if to get it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Third times a charm....

    I'm being torn in both family wants me to get it and my husband and his friends don't. If my husband could actually social distance I wouldn't be so hung up on wanting to get it. But he just doesn't take it seriously at all. I habe no idea what to do

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Re: Third times a charm....

    It's not their choice, it's not our choice, it's your choice and only your choice. Do your independent research, speak to the professionals and make your mind up yourself. Most people will tell you to get it, some people will tell you not to but nobody else is in charge of your decision. If your husband doesn't take it seriously but you do then you can continue to do so.

    Ignoring what everybody else wants, do you want to get it?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Third times a charm....

    I want what is best for my kids. Even If I get it he is still putting them at risk. I'm terrified of the side effects and long term effects of a vaccine that's brand new. I was all about a vaccine but now I'm just torn and lost

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Re: Third times a charm....

    It's admirable that you want what is best for your kids - you're obviously a good mother. If you want what's best for your kids then you do what you think is best for your kids. You can speak to your husband about his behaviour if you think he's putting your kids at risk, but you can take steps now to do what's best yourself.

    From my own research, the side effects are rare. The long term effects aren't known, but that's the same with catching COVID. Like I say, do your own research and speak to people you trust (possibly professionals) and that'll help you make your mind up. Researching the potential danger of COVID and/or the vaccine on the age ranges of your children might also help you be reassured.

    There's plenty of info out there. We're not professionals and we don't have all the facts. We could tell you what we think is best but at the end of the day it's what you think is best based on what you research for yourself.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Third times a charm....

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunflower318 View Post
    I want what is best for my kids. Even If I get it he is still putting them at risk. I'm terrified of the side effects and long term effects of a vaccine that's brand new. I was all about a vaccine but now I'm just torn and lost
    If you believe there are potential risks to a 'brand new' vaccine, then why not weigh it up from the potential long term effects from having Covid, or even a non treatable mutation in the future. Long term complications are real, common and well documented. Long term side effects of a vaccine are not, and to be honest they're also extremely unlikely in todays world.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Third times a charm....

    Quote Originally Posted by ankietyjoe View Post
    If you believe there are potential risks to a 'brand new' vaccine, then why not weigh it up from the potential long term effects from having Covid, or even a non treatable mutation in the future. Long term complications are real, common and well documented. Long term side effects of a vaccine are not, and to be honest they're also extremely unlikely in todays world.
    Very wise words AJ.

    It still really beggars belief that some people say they would rather suffer the torment of catching Covid than complications from jabs!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Third times a charm....

    The complications from vaccines are so unbelievably rare, and the systems in place now mean that they are very, very predictable.

    There's such a massive difference in the technology now compared to even 20-30 years ago, today we have massively powerful computer arrays doing predictive modelling and it's frighteningly accurate.

    And as has been pointed out, the potential complications from taking a birth control pill are way, way higher but that doesn't stop many people taking it does it?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Re: Third times a charm....

    How are you getting on, Sunflower?

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