Aside from my fear of store managers as a little kid due to my mom insidiously warning me about them taking me into the back of the store and physically chastising me for misbehaving in said shops, as I have already mentioned in the other thread, there have been others that had really strange effects on me, again mostly when I was a little kid.

Our local Co-op 'superstore' (not the local convenience store I mentioned in the other thread whose manager-cum-butcher I was scared witless of) always used to make me feel nauseous, especially with the odours of cooking meat and the in-store bakery wafting through the place, coupled with the fluorescent overhead lighting and general ambient acoustics. Horrible, horrible place!

I also remember our local Boots store also used to have real odd effects on me as a 5-year-old back in 1982, as for some strange reason (dare I say it) the place used to cause me to have 'stiffies', especially when stood by the pharmaceutical counter, and I remember seeing the staff working behind said counter wearing white coats with the Boots logo embroidered on the upper front pocket. I wonder if it might have been a weird side-effect of ingesting any stray pharmaceutical-related airborne chemicals in said store?

Also on the one occasion around that same era when I was in that same store, by some sheer coincidence Marvin Gaye's then-current hit single 'Sexual Healing' suddenly started playing on one of those portable boombox cassette players behind the record counter, and most ironically I was triggered and 'turned on' by the seemingly innocuous percussive sounds in the intro to that song, played by an electronic drum machine, despite being only 5 at the time, and of course unaware of all things sex in general.

Shoe repair shops were (and still are) horrible in particular because of the glue fumes, and have made me feel like gagging and/or passing out on occasions.

Anyone have any more bizarre shop-related effects they have encountered to share?