I’ve had lower left side pain for about 4 months on and off. At its worse it feels like a burning ball of fire in there. I get pain that shoots upwards and down my left thigh. Terrible lower back aches too. Sometimes after sex it’s worse, and I have irregular bleeding but have always put this down to the coil. Had an ultrasound on my ovaries 2 days ago and the radiographer said I’ll need another scan to have a better look as she’s unsure what is on my left ovary. Said it looked like a cyst but not clear which type. She said more but as my head went crazy with panic it’s all a bit of a haze. She told me results would take a week to get to my GP but today I’ve had a message from my doctor to book an appointment to discuss the results. Currently freaking out about what the results are, why they’ve contacted me so quickly etc etc. I’ve gone straight to worse case scenario here! Has anyone had anything similar and it all turn out ok?
I’m 39 and have 5 children.