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Thread: Citalopram Tinittus

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Citalopram Tinittus

    I'm sorry you're having such a rough time, I hope it will subside and perhaps your doctor will be able to help you.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Citalopram Tinittus

    Have spoken to Dr. As the tinittus has become worse as a result of citalopram and I understand that this may not improve when on it then the best course of action would be to stop the citalopram and see if things improve.

    I would also be interested in anybody else's experiences with tinittus while being on Citalopram and if this side effect diminishes over time or permanent when still on it.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Citalopram Tinittus

    The tinnitus did not subside in fact it went louder. After talking to doc decided to wean off the citalooram by taking it every other day. I have started this 4 days ago. Today is one day without it and the anxiety has been increasing throughout the day and now it is unbearable. I feel very dizzy, very tired fatigued as well. My head is spinning and terrified I losing my mind.I just feel like just going to bed. Surely this is unusual for withdrawal on such a low dose and I haven't completely stopped it yet. I only on 10mg!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Citalopram Tinittus

    Hang in there, it will pass - you're not losing your mind even though it feels like it. You'll make it through this and I hope both you and your med provider will come up with a solution. Hate to say this (we'll pretend I didn't) sometimes sleep is the best medicine.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Citalopram Tinittus

    Quote Originally Posted by StressedEric View Post
    After talking to doc decided to wean off the citalooram by taking it every other day.
    Not the best way of doing it, imo. Tapering by missed dosing is an idea that seems to have started in response to some short half-life ADs in extended-release formulations which can't be cut, particularly duloxetine, but this doesn't apply to citalopram and the yo-yo effect this may produce can be very disturbing.

    I have started this 4 days ago. Today is one day without it...
    So you missed a dose 4 days ago, took 10mg 3 days ago, missed yesterday and again today? I would have advised halving the 10mg tablets and taking 5mg for 7-10 days and then stopping. It takes about 7-8 days for citalopram plasma levels to stabilize after a dose decrease (or increase).

    and the anxiety has been increasing throughout the day and now it is unbearable. I feel very dizzy, very tired fatigued as well. My head is spinning and terrified I losing my mind.

    ...Surely this is unusual for withdrawal on such a low dose and I haven't completely stopped it yet. I only on 10mg!
    Because of that longish citalopram half-life - around 36 hours - and the short time you've been on it at only a low dose I suspect this has more to do with anxiety than withdrawal, probably exacerbated by the stress of the tinnitus flaring. Withdrawal isn't only a matter of chemistry. Psychology is at least as important and may often be the main driver. An anxious mind is very capable of delivering the worst 'withdrawal symptoms' imaginable if given free reign.

    I just feel like just going to bed.
    Probably not a bad idea.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Citalopram Tinittus

    Many thanks for your advice-much appreciated. Yeah maybe there is a bit of a yo-yo effect with me doing the tapering every other day. The anxiety been very bad again today.
    The 10mg tabs are very small so cutting them in half will be difficult but I have a pill cutter so it may work ill have to give it a go.
    I think you may be right about the symptoms are more anxiety than withdrawal. I have been concentrating on the side effects and that never going to get better. It very difficult to distract from it. The tinittus is still bad and also one if my ears has now blocked up completely due to wax. Not a good day by any means.

    The only reason I made the decision coming off the cit is the tinittus. I did have high anxiety before starting it that was the whole reason why I made a decision to go on it again.
    Last edited by StressedEric; 03-05-21 at 16:42.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Citalopram Tinittus

    Just tried cutting down a 10mg tab in pill cutter. Got a clean cut and two good complete halves so going to taper off this way now for a couple of weeks max and see how I am.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Citalopram Tinittus

    Cool. So have you discussed what comes after you're off citalopram?
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Citalopram Tinittus

    All the doc said is could try something else. I have taken half tab today (5mg). The half tab was tiny hardly noticed swallowing it! My anxiety very high again and feel dizzy. Gone to visit bro to try and calm me down. Could this be the yo yo effect you mention I.e. 10mg one day then nothing for a day and repeat.

    In all of this the only reason I coming off cit was the tinittus. I did feel less anxious on it but the tinittus was a big concern for me. Worrying now I made the wrong decision coming off so soon without giving it more time. I feel stupid and panicking that the doc has already stopped my citalopram prescription and I only have one month supply. I feel I been messing her around saying coming off then changing my mind then deciding to come off again but the way I was feeling with the anxiety and the tinittus I was making rash decisions without really giving time for things to settle. I am afraid to call doc again now. I will try and continue on 5mg half tabs for a week or two and see if it levels out and feel any better. God I am a mess.

    What made it harder is that I live alone so got noone at home for support.
    Last edited by StressedEric; 04-05-21 at 17:34.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Citalopram Tinittus

    Quote Originally Posted by StressedEric View Post
    All the doc said is could try something else. I have taken half tab today (5mg). The half tab was tiny hardly noticed swallowing it! My anxiety very high again and feel dizzy. Gone to visit bro to try and calm me down. Could this be the yo yo effect you mention I.e. 10mg one day then nothing for a day and repeat.
    Maybe. The anxiety is probably just anxiety, but the dizziness could either be the yo-yo effect, or anxiety.

    I feel I been messing her around saying coming off then changing my mind

    ...I am afraid to call doc again now.
    I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. In the end it is your call. She's just the hired help. Don't go putting doctors on pedestals. They don't need any help in that regard, ime. Despite what some of them believe their degree doesn't elevate them into the pantheon of the gods.

    I will try and continue on 5mg half tabs for a week or two and see if it levels out and feel any better.
    A week, or two would be okay, but it would be unwise to remain on such a low dose any longer as prolonged sub therapeutic dosing can increase the risk of the med pooping-out and not working at any dose. Either start ramping up the dose over a few weeks to at least 20mg, or pull the plug and try something else.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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