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Thread: Oh no - now I have to have a Sigmoidoscopy!!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Oh no - now I have to have a Sigmoidoscopy!!

    I've had 2 colonoscopies over the years, one with sedation, one without (ouch). I was fine with both but without was very uncomfortable. When they did sedate me, it was with something like valium and I just had a feeling of being woozy. If I had to have it again I'd go that route.

    On the subject of private prescription costs, isn't it amazing! I see my psychiatrist privately and she then writes to my GP who prescribes what I need. Suppose he's just glad the PCT is not having to pay for any of my psychiatric care or therapy.

    Good luck with whatever you decide Nic.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Oh no - now I have to have a Sigmoidoscopy!!

    Hi Nic,

    Just a bit of re-assurance over the sigmoidoscopy. Sounds like you have a high pain threshold and so does my Mum. She had one done without sedation and she said it was highly uncomfortable but tolerable - they removed suspicious polyps but all is ok now.

    Everyone is different and I suggest you chat to your GP about 'you' as an individual but please be assured it can be done without sedation.
    With regards to running on empty - Mum had clear soups (sieved veg broth) and that was quite acceptable along with cordial drinks. But again check with GP.

    Take care my friend

    Love Dawn x
    'Hold me close, let Your love surround me, bring me near, draw me to Your side; And as I wait, I'll rise up like the eagle, and I will soar with You; Your spirit leads me on, In the power of Your Love.'

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Oh no - now I have to have a Sigmoidoscopy!!

    aww nic sweety

    i am not sure what to say i have not had this test done befor

    but just try stay as calm as you can till the day ,i to would rather the pain then be put under can allways just see how you are on the day ,we alwasy think the worst but i am very sure the doc is doiing it just to be sure just think how many people have the same ect and look you say you have had it a long time thats a good thing realy it wont be anything realy bad havng it that long hun .
    good luck with it all nic i am sure you will be just fine

    jodie xxx

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , USA.

    Re: Oh no - now I have to have a Sigmoidoscopy!!

    Sorry To Hear What Ya Going Thru Nic..its Normal To Feel The Way Ya Do.......i Have To Have Those 2 Test Myself But Keep Blowing It Off Due To The Sedations Freaks Me Out More Than The Test...but I Guess After Reading This Thread I Would Go For The Sedation I Did Have The One Down The Throat Before But I Was Already Hospitalized And They Told Me I Was Drunk Enough I Was So Sick And Doped Up....but I Wish Ya The Man You Have Fillings Without Novacaine.......holy S...t God Love Ya...........wish Ya The Best..........linda Xxxx

  5. #25

    Re: Oh no - now I have to have a Sigmoidoscopy!!

    Hi Nic

    Just wanted to send you good wishes and hope it all goes well for you. I have to say I think your being very brave....I would be in a heap. (HA would see to that!)
    Take care
    Sarah Lou

  6. #26
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , Canada.

    Re: Oh no - now I have to have a Sigmoidoscopy!!

    hi nic
    wishing you well hun and sending you some hugs
    x x x

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Oh no - now I have to have a Sigmoidoscopy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by dizzyd View Post
    Hi Nic,

    Just a bit of re-assurance over the sigmoidoscopy. Sounds like you have a high pain threshold and so does my Mum. She had one done without sedation and she said it was highly uncomfortable but tolerable - they removed suspicious polyps but all is ok now.
    Thanks Dawn - I am going to try it without and see how it goes. Thanks for the comments.

    Quote Originally Posted by jo61 View Post
    On the subject of private prescription costs, isn't it amazing! I see my psychiatrist privately and she then writes to my GP who prescribes what I need. Suppose he's just glad the PCT is not having to pay for any of my psychiatric care or therapy.
    I was expecting it to be £20 but not £124!! Now I have to wait a few days until they convert it to an NHS one

    Quote Originally Posted by Piglet View Post
    I don't like doing anything medical that involves taking my tights off (think that's why giving birth took so long) - so I think you're super brave for that alone!!
    Piglet - you are so funny lol

    Quote Originally Posted by northern_sky View Post
    I'm having one on the 20th of this month. I'm trying to ignore any 'brave' comments in this thread as I'm sure it is an everyday common thing that happens in hospitals and nothing to worry or stress about. *Breathes deeply.* I'm completely terrified...
    Oh I hope all goes well for you too. Do you have any symptoms ? Did the doc refer you for it? I wish you all the best too.

    Thanks to everyone else for the lovely supportive comments It means a lot to me.

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  8. #28
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Oh no - now I have to have a Sigmoidoscopy!!

    Hi Nic and alex

    Just a quick reply to wish you both luck

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Oh no - now I have to have a Sigmoidoscopy!!

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((NIC)))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))

    Hope you get well soon hun

    Love Lisa

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Oh no - now I have to have a Sigmoidoscopy!!

    Sending you some more hugs Nic

    hope you have been feeling better today hun.


    "If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

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