Hi members,

Firstly, many thanks to those who have the time to read my post and submit any advice/replies.
I'm in a rather unusual situation - certainly not something I've come across before - and I've got some concerns and need an outside opinion to consider, rather than twisting and turning with my anxious thoughts.

Over a week ago I had an evening appointment for a colonoscopy. This is because I've had intermittent rectal bleeding since January of this year and after a heavy bleed in March I went to my Drs who referred me onto the NHS 2 week urgent pathway for colorectal cancer.
I'm delighted to say the colonoscopy showed no signs of cancer. Big big beyond words relief! For the last past couple of weeks leading up to the procedure I've not slept well, and pretty much feared the worst.
Now here's the reason why I am posting this thread: I was given a discharge colonoscopy report, and it does not actually reflect what happened during the procedure.

During the procedure, the Dr used water instead of gas and air to help move the endoscope about inside my bowel. I chose none sedation, so he used the technique of a water colonoscopy as its more comfortable for the patient instead of blowing my colon up with CO2 if non sedation is chosen by the patient. Just to add, the procedure itself while not comfortable certainly wasn't uncomfortable. In fact it was fascinating to see my insides on a tv screen getting explored! *For some reason though the report omits this fact and states CO2 was used when clearly it wasn't.

*This is the most crucial part - during the procedure I noticed a tiny polyp and I asked the Dr and he confirmed it was a polyp. I expected him to remove it, as that seems to be the general rule about polyps. The Dr said they don't tend to remove (I think these terms are correct) hyper-plasti ones, they're looking out for adenomas type polyps. The report makes no reference to the fact there were polyps seen, and unremoved.

I'm anxious because I'm wondering if I hadn't spotted by chance the polyp with my untrained eye, where there more polyps of this type which the Dr spotted but in their estimation they were nothing sinister and did not need bringing to my attention? And, should this be monitored in any way in the future, as over time polyps can change? (I'd like to stress I'm obviously untrained, but seeing my bowel on a big screen it did look clear, no obvious lumps, etc etc ) Also the Dr took no samples/biopsies either to check for any infections.

The alarmist in my thinking wonders has the Dr been negligent in some way? A bit too confident in their assertions?
Should I ask for another colonoscopy or alternative procedure where they can remove this polyp, and more if indeed there was more?
Why has the report not included these details even if its considered unimportant? After-all its still a finding, a growth in my bowel, albeit small.
Or, I'm I simply overreacting?

Has anybody else been through this?
Any perspective and feedback about this would be greatly appreciated.