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Thread: Well I have yet another health fear to worry about.

  1. #1

    Well I have yet another health fear to worry about.

    I am so sick and tires of my anxiety. I have made it manageable- well ignorable. I have a severe fear of seafood and walnuts.
    About 10 years ago I had an eating disorder because of a fear of food allergies. Almost all foods. I lost a lot of weight- for a full year I only ate 3 meals. Nothing else.
    I can live my life without seafood or walnuts affecting me too much.

    I also fear medication allergies. I guess my real fear is anaphylaxis. Its not the food or the medication, it is anaphylaxis.

    Well I was bit by a tick last night. So now I worry about developing alpha-gal (meat allergy) which only like 1 to 3 % of people bitten get it.
    I worry about a tick borne illness that I will have to take antibiotics for. Not worried about the illness itself but medication anaphylaxis.

    I am sick of these crazy fears!!!!!

    By the way I have never, not once, not ever, had an anaphylactic reaction to anything.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Well I have yet another health fear to worry about.

    Why don't you treat the real problem here which is the HA?

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Well I have yet another health fear to worry about.

    Sounds like you might have OCD, not just pure health anxiety. You're obsessive about certain foods and avoiding them because of fear of contamination or illness. That in itself is obsessive compulsive behaviour. I also have ocd, but I'm a checker not a fear of germs/bacteria from food etc. Have a read about OCD and don't worry, I'm sure you would know by now if you were allergic to anything. Most people find out pretty early! Hope you feel better.

  4. #4

    Re: Well I have yet another health fear to worry about.

    I do. I have actually been diagnosed with Obsessive Thinking Disorder. I wish I knew how to treat it without medication. Are there any specific reads that you recommend?
    Thanks for your insight!!!

  5. #5

    Re: Well I have yet another health fear to worry about.

    I don't know if a cure exists. I won't take medication so that is a problem. My wonderful psychologist who actually found out I had Obsessive Thinking Disorder died of pancreatic cancer. So now I got to find someone else who does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Well I have yet another health fear to worry about.

    I had a little Google and this sounded similar to what you're experiencing?
    Doesnt really offer any help though! I would recommend The ACT workbook for OCD, Marisa Mazat. Been working through it with my psychologist and it is helping me. Our obsessions are different but the CBT/treatment is the same. The woman I speak to said its one of the best books to recover/live well with it. I also had a massive fear of taking medication, not because I feared allergy but I used to be obsessed with vomiting and wouldn't take any tablets. I recently managed to face that fear and start some tablets for anxiety/ocd and they're starting to kick in I think! You're not alone in your worries X

  7. #7

    Re: Well I have yet another health fear to worry about.

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Up until recently I have been so scared to deal with the OCD portion of this issue. Its just easier to convince myself it is anxiety. But- it is time. I have to face it. I have been scared of the term OCD. I know OTD is OCD but it has scared me to admit it to myself. Now is the time. I am 46. I am educated. I have no desire to not at least trying to fight this. I have fought tooth and nail with everything else in life. I have finally accepted it and now I need to learn how to live with it or maybe compromise with it? I appreciate your insight.

    Quote Originally Posted by LF87 View Post
    I had a little Google and this sounded similar to what you're experiencing?
    Doesnt really offer any help though! I would recommend The ACT workbook for OCD, Marisa Mazat. Been working through it with my psychologist and it is helping me. Our obsessions are different but the CBT/treatment is the same. The woman I speak to said its one of the best books to recover/live well with it. I also had a massive fear of taking medication, not because I feared allergy but I used to be obsessed with vomiting and wouldn't take any tablets. I recently managed to face that fear and start some tablets for anxiety/ocd and they're starting to kick in I think! You're not alone in your worries X

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Well I have yet another health fear to worry about.

    OCD is really simple to treat, the difficulty lies with how difficult it is for the person.

    I had ocd and my thing was hand washing. The solution was to get a list of situations that were causing my bother, starting with the easiest to deal with. I would then concentrate on that one behaviour until I no longer felt bad. I would then move onto the next.

    So in my example I would concentrate on not washing my hands after tying my shoelaces. Eventually this no longer became an issue and I would move onto the next.

    This may make you more anxious initially because you are challenging your fear. You do get better.

    With allergies you may be wise to get an allergy test. You then know what you are allergic to. You can then safely challenge your fear.

    Make sure someone knows what you are doing and speak to people about how you are feeling.

    Best do this with the support of a doctor

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Well I have yet another health fear to worry about.

    Anx, the book is really good for helping you come to terms with having OCD. I'm 33 and only started treatment for it recently, as I also thought it was purely HA, which it isn't. The first few chapters gets into what you want to achieve, and explains the nature of ocd and how to beat it. I like Pav have been able to conquer some of my 'checks', similarly by not giving into the urge to check/avoid a certain thing rather than acting compulsively on the urge (which for you is avoiding foods/medication). You're just reinforcing the beast, that's how I think of it. I agree should get an allergy test then slowly begin to tackle your fears. The handbook, if you get it, teaches you how to do this by highlighting what you value in life and how the ocd is impacting it, then how to slay it! I'm still ongoing with mine but seeing improvement. And you're most welcome! Hope this helps X

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