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Thread: New and not sure

  1. #1

    New and not sure

    Hi all im 30 years old male originally from England but currently living in Australia

    im having a hard time and its been strange to put my thoughts out on the net but here goes i an have extreme fears of having an incurable and deadly disease MND also known as ALS sounds like fun i know ive recently had a neuro appointment and he said everything was good my reflex were fine i didn't present with weakness or atrophy that he could see he advised everything looks good but i can come back in 6 weeks for an EMG just to confirm. i know the chances at my age of having this are insanely low and i don't have anyone in the family with it but i just cant seem to let it go..... i dont know how to tell people how i feel about this cause i know it sounds insane i lose sleep i plan my death/funeral (not suicidal) im scared to sleep sometimes cause im scared to wake up feeling something not working. the reason all these thoughts started is from the random twitching ive been experiencing throughout my whole body mostly on my left side also(predominantly calf) tho also the random sporadic pains/soreness i feel throughout my body and like a moron i went and searched up online the symptoms and here i am i guess.

    sorry for the wall text for an intro i know this probably foolish to think about having some incurable illness but i feel better getting this off my chest and being honest whenever someone asks how are you? i just say good cause i dont know how to respond i think im dying sometimes anyway i digress thanks for reading

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: New and not sure

    Quote Originally Posted by notsureanymore View Post
    Hi all im 30 years old male originally from England but currently living in Australia
    Don't blame you. The weather here is shite!

    im having a hard time and its been strange to put my thoughts out on the net but here goes i an have extreme fears of having an incurable and deadly disease MND also known as ALS sounds like fun i know ive recently had a neuro appointment and he said everything was good my reflex were fine i didn't present with weakness or atrophy that he could see he advised everything looks good but i can come back in 6 weeks for an EMG just to confirm. i know the chances at my age of having this are insanely low and i don't have anyone in the family with it but i just cant seem to let it go..... i dont know how to tell people how i feel about this cause i know it sounds insane i lose sleep i plan my death/funeral (not suicidal) im scared to sleep sometimes cause im scared to wake up feeling something not working. the reason all these thoughts started is from the random twitching ive been experiencing throughout my whole body mostly on my left side also(predominantly calf) tho also the random sporadic pains/soreness i feel throughout my body and like a moron i went and searched up online the symptoms and here i am i guess.
    I suggest you trawl through all the MND/ALS/MS posts on here before you label yourself insane..

    i think im dying sometimes
    Only sometimes? There's hope for you NANS. I've had a severe case of the 'I'm dying's' on and off since 1975!

    Sorry if I sound flippant. I don't intend to belittle what you're going through because I've been there myself, but humour has helped me along the way. It's how I cope with life?

    You don't sound insane; you sound scared - and fear is something that every HAer experiences because that's the fuel this beast needs to exist in order to make our lives a living hell..

    I'm having a 'Luna Lovegood' moment where I want to say 'You're as sane as I am Harry'...
    Last edited by NoraB; 19-05-21 at 08:42. Reason: Corrected a mishtake innit
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Welcome to No More Panic!

    Hiya notsureanymore and welcome to NMP

    Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
    are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

    I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
    support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  4. #4

    Re: New and not sure

    Hi, and thanks both to i am looking through the forums and articles now and they seem like a good place to start thanks

  5. #5

    Re: New and not sure

    Welcome, i found it helpful to put thoughts down in a post, it allowed me to think about things in a clearer way and get friendly advice and help and opinions of course (this is the internet after all)

    I havent posted much but what I have posted i think helped me regardless of any responses.

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