I posted last time a year or so ago on here and found the timetable thread to be a lifesaver!
So I stayed well for a year, going back to work on a covid ward, coping with homeschooling and lockdown and I genuinely thought I would never be in this place again.
2 weeks ago I woke with anxiety and here I am still struggling 2 weeks later.
So I was taking 40mg fluoxetine and suffered sons extreme side effects at the beginning. I had no intention of stopping taking it.
But as per my normal pattern, I felt so well that I just kept forgetting to take it and thought well OK that's a way to wean off or reduce the dose. I'm so annoyed with myself.
Some weeks I maybe only took it on 2 days.
Then bang, anxiety starts and depression kicks in.
I spoke to the GP and she said to go back to 40mg straight away so I did.
Now although I'm nowhere near as ill as last year I am experiencing the extreme mood swings, the anxiety first thing on waking and then the tearful low mood until it slightly lifts in the evening.
I just wandered if anyone can offer some advice, some light at the end of the tunnel.
Is it likely that the fluoxetine will need to settle again considering I hadn't fully stopped taking it?
I'm really struggling to know I will get better.