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Thread: Hello again! Advice and support needed

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    Oh you are a similar age to me, I'm 43! I think... I keep forgetting my age with this brain fog!
    Yeh the mindfulness takes practice and you can't really practice it when you are feeling so bad. I always mean to keep on top of these sort of things when I'm well but life sort of takes over and you forget.
    I find that when I'm first well everything seems so great that I can't bare to remember how awful it was so I just box it away in my brain.
    I'm pretty good at compartmentalising and then it all comes back to bite me in the arse!
    I'm pretty close to my mum and dad but I've always felt more like the parent. I'm a people pleaser and I never want to worry anyone or upset anyone and it plays on my mind if I do.
    My sister is an addict and it's caused lots of turmoil in our lives that resulted in me having a massive breakdown 3 years ago. I haven't seen her since and there is a lot of pain that I'm good at putting aside until the anxiety and depression rear their head.
    I think most people's families are tricky, it's never as perfect as you think it is.
    Are you on Facebook? I just joined a fluoxetine support group, dunno if that would help you or make it worse with the googling

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    Yeah I’m on Facebook. Is it this one?
    I just joined but will try not to get too hooked 😆

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    That's it. You will see I posted a rambling post earlier in my desperate state! 😜

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    Panic down under do you think I might have serotonin syndrome? Googled it and now I'm panicking because I have some of the symptoms. Or is it just side effects. Feel like Im getting worse not better. Awake at 2.30 this morning and just can't settle. Feel shaky and sick and I keep clenching my jaw.
    Would I still be able to feel better in the evenings if I was suffering with it? The rational part of me says no but then the fear kicks in again.
    So annoying because Monday I really felt like I had turned a corner.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    Quote Originally Posted by KayMK View Post
    Panic down under do you think I might have serotonin syndrome? Googled it and now I'm panicking because I have some of the symptoms.
    No, it almost certainly isn't serotonin syndrome/toxicity (SS/T). It usually occurs when two serotonergic meds with different modes of action are taken together. Most serious cases involve MAOI class ADs plus another med. It is rare when taking only one med even in massive overdose. Most of the online information about SS/T is nonsense and that includes in medical journals and FDA, MHRA and WHO, etc, advisories. Not my opinion, but that of Dr Ken Gillman, one of the two leading experts on the syndrome, for example: Regulatory Agencies (WHO, FDA) Offer Ill-Conceived Advice about Serotonin Toxicity (Serotonin Syndrome)...

    You might find this useful: Demystifying serotonin syndrome (or serotonin toxicity) - PDF. Note that neither jaw or teeth are mentioned.

    Feel shaky and sick and I keep clenching my jaw.
    Jaw clenching and teeth grinding is a relatively common initial side-effect of most ADs, but they are not symptoms of SS/T. They can also be triggered by anxiety.

    Would I still be able to feel better in the evenings if I was suffering with it? The rational part of me says no but then the fear kicks in again.
    Your fluoxetine plasma levels have now stabilised to a steady state so you have the same amount of drug in your system 24 hours a day. If it were SS/T then the symptoms would be fairly constant.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    Thankyou. It's crazy how I panic about this stuff when I've been here before. In my better moments I know 100% I will feel better, in the bad moments all rational thought leaves my brain!!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    God this is hard work! 🤯 woke up to the usual feeling of dread this morning but managed to get myself out to meet a friend for coffee first thing, then did a bit of work and had a moment of feeling slightly more positive but it was gone in a flash, anxiety went sky high this afternoon and had to take a diazepam as I really felt like I was going to lose it 😞

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    It is bloody hard work. I had a better afternoon/ evening yesterday. Really had moments of completely feeling like myself.
    Today I haven't managed to eat or stop crying yet! There's just no rhyme or reason.
    That's good you managed to get out.

    I am literally hanging on by the skin of my teeth. Do not know how I'm getting through.
    Hope you have a better evening Jo.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    Week 5 and the sh*t really hit the mental health fan yesterday putting it bluntly!
    I had been struggling for a few days getting worse but just keeping on trying to tell myself it's the medication it will get better but the mornings were getting worse, my appetite had gone again and it was taking longer to reach some sort of normal state by the evening.
    Between the lack of sleep, the anxiety jolting me awake every time I tried to rest and the constant crying. I was pretty desperate.
    I have experienced all this before but this time felt different like I was less able to reason with myself. I have had moments where I've felt better so I know the medication can and will work but omg I just couldn't get through another day without any help.

    So starts my story of the terrible mental health services in the UK.
    Yesterday morning I knew I was in danger, I just couldn't see a way out and while I don't want to die I did want the pain to stop and I wasn't in my right mind.
    I had called the gp the week before and was told by the 3rd different locum I had spoken to(only over the phone cos of covid&#128580 that I need to change my dose and that I shouldn't be taking the promethazine every night only adhoc. The previous Dr had said every night.
    He said phone back In 2 weeks if I wasnt any better.
    Yesterday called 111 mental health crisis support told them I couldn't do another day without some help that I wanted to crawl up and disappear. He said could I do some breathing exercises or go for a run!!
    Advice was call Gp first thing but you sound OK to last until then.
    So off I went to A&E. I was in a real state. I hadn't stopped crying or shaking for 12 hours, my legs had zapping feeling up them, I couldn't sit still or eat.
    I really was at the end of what I could cope with, I had done 5 weeks with no extra help and I think I was just tired.
    I saw the mental health team at A&E and they wanted to admit me but gave me the choice of going home with some medication and the support of the mental health team. So I went home.
    They were amazing at the hospital. I wish I had asked for help sooner. So now hopefully I will get to see a psychiatrist to review meds.
    I had a diazapam at the hospital and she sent me home with a small supply of lorazapam and zoplicone.
    Still woke at 3.30 this morning with anxiety but it was manageable. I've never taken so much medication in my life but when you need it you need it.
    I've slept all day and so far no crying.
    I feel hopeful that I'm going to get better.
    Phew what a ride it's been!!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    Oh Kay! I’m so sorry you’re feeling so rubbish at the moment. You’re right the NHS mental health system is appalling. It took me a trip to A&E and then another few months before my local CMHT would agree to take me on and let me see a psychiatrist.

    You will get there, 5 weeks is still early days. I am 6 weeks tomorrow and had a few hours of feeling quite good this morning!

    Hopefully the lorazepam/zopiclone will help you sleep a bit better but you could also consider trying a small dose of mirtazapine at night. It really is brilliant for sleep but can give you a huge appetite. See how you go for a couple of weeks but it’s something to consider if you’re still struggling xx

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