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Thread: Hello again! Advice and support needed

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    So glad you went to A&E. SO glad they helped. YOU are amazing, just take it a minute at a time, it WILL get better, you are getting the help you need now.

    Thanks for being so supportive to others. xx
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    Thankyou so much both for replying.
    I literally slept all day yesterday. Missed the visit from the home treatment team so I'm sitting here stressing waiting for them to call back with another time.
    Can't stop crying today although the anxiety is definitely less. I think I'm just scared how bad I felt. It's an awful feeling to feel so out of control.
    Hope you are both having good days.
    It took me 12 weeks to feel better last time so hopefully I'm half way x

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    Hi, crying is important, even if you don't know why it's happening. Tears wash through us.

    My day has turned out different... there is some very noisy work going on in the house next door, and just as I was wondering how I was going to cope with work, the flooring company rang very apologetic because someone is off sick and they can't come today!

    HOWEVER, I took the opportunity to double-check that they are going to move the fridge and washer and they are, so that anxiety has entirely gone.

    You will be ok. Take it a minute at a time... xx
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    You sound like you have a handle on it.
    Pleased you are coming through it.
    The home treatment team were very good. They are going to refer me to psychiatrist in the next 10 days and advise my gp to prescribe short course of lorprazam to get me through next couple of weeks and then follow up from there. Feeling bit more hopeful now. I've never needed any other medications before I've always just pushed through it but the mental health team were amazed I had managed 5 weeks with the height of the anxiety and no help.

    Hope you carry on having a bright day xx

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    I agree, it sounds as though you have done amazingly well. You will be able to look back on this to remind yourself of just how strong and resilient you are even if it doesn't always feel like it! xx
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    Thanks. I've definitely needed to have some strength to get through this.
    Feeling much more calm now. I'm trying to keep those sneeky 'you will never feel back to yourself' thoughts at bay. I'm mostly sleeping the last few days away.
    Feeling sort of flat but it's preferable to the mania of the anxiety. It feels like such a long time until the real Kerri has made an appearance!!
    Its a big thing for me to just accept how I feel not overthink it.
    Love the support on here. It really helps. X

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    6 weeks today!
    Ate 3 meals yesterday! That's a first really.
    I also cried all afternoon and most of the evening. I couldn't actually tell you why, just feeling sorry for myself or just so sad. The anxiety is lessening. Woke at 5am not 3 today and I'm sleeping more. In fact all I want to do is sleep but most days I'm trying to get up even if it's just the afternoon so I can spend some times with the kids.
    Still getting those couple of hours before bed where I feel OK.
    I cant remember how I got from this last time to feeling better, it feels like I'm missing something, Like it seems such a jump, I can't imagine ever feeling like myself again. I don't really suffer with depression normally but this last few weeks has just been so low. Then there will be brief moments of omg I feel OK like I've come back and then it will dip again.
    It's my daughters 13th birthday on Tuesday and I'm just praying so badly that I manage to make it OK for her.
    I'm signed off work for 4 weeks now.
    I'm missing my life and my family so badly. It feels like I'm lost.
    So I'm keeping on, I will keep on updating and hoping I'm going to recover.
    At 8 weeks last time I posted that mornings were still and I was still crying but once I had eased into the day I had more moments of feeling better so I'm hanging on to that.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    It will be 7 weeks on 40mg for me on Tuesday. I had a few hours of feeling normal about a week ago but nothing since then 😞. My OCD is still crazy and I’m glued to my phone/iPad almost constantly googling. I’ll give myself a talking to but then 5 minutes later I’m doing it again 🤬. Seeing my psychiatrist on Friday and get the feeling she will want me to increase to 60mg.

    Feel like I can’t connect with family, feel nothing for my partner, constantly irritated by my son and my mum. I just want to be happy and feel comfortable around people again 😢

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Hello again! Advice and support needed

    You may need to go up to 60mg but at least you have done this hard early part. You know what to expect of the side effects and you will be prepared.
    Keep going, I think it shows how strong we are to get through this torture.
    I can't interact with anyone. The thought of it makes me feel sick. I can't stop thinking how I'm feeling every second of the day so I cant hold any sort of normal conversation. I haven't left the house in weeks. I just don't feel like I'm real and all this stuff is going on around me.
    Saying that the larazapam has helped when the anxiety gets extreme and I'm feeling more hopeful occasionally.

    I read somewhere that it's normal to feel more irritated or over react to people around you because your nervous system is on red alert.
    Stay strong. Xx

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