Hi all, I've been experiencing some very obvious feeling of tightness in throat for about a week. It is most noticeable when lying down on a pillow (either on my back or on the side), or just when I tuck my chin. However when i tried lying down without a pillow it felt better. I wouldn't saying it obstructs breathing or swallowing though, but it's very uncomfortable and keeps me awake for several hours worrying about it. It has gotten to a point where I would feel uncomfortable if anything is touching the from of my throat (blanket for example). I do have stuffy nose and I think post-nasal drip recently which started a little before I noticed the tightness in throat. I also have the occasional GERD but this doesn't feel like it. I would go to the doctor but we're experiencing a spike in Covid cases now so not the best time to go to the hospital. Just now I tucked my chin again and immediately feel like my there is something obstructing the front of my throat. I'm really scared it might be tumour or something sinister. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
Thank you!