I am freaked out! Background is massive health anexity which has went from brain tumours to testicular cancer to heart attacks but since september last year my anexity has hit the roof after starting to feel week twitches and arms aches and legs feel like jelly and all the symptoms of mnd!! These have perssisted till now some days better than others fingers feel stiff etc feel like my grip is weak I posted on here months ago! I can still do everything but it seems harder and I feel weak. Iv had a tough year loosing family member and not being active as ended up in prison and that’s wen all these symptoms happensd and they got worse after watching the rob burrows documentary which scared the poop outta of me. Now I have convinced my self I have lost body fat as I read that if u can see your viens which myn stick out on my hands legs very prominently it means u have low body fat which also happens with mnd!! Can someone help me with these thoughts. Is viens sticking out a sign that mnd is taking my body! I don’t have any clinical weeknas but scared it’s getting that way! Doctors in January said no signs at all of mnd