I've been going through a blip myself. A bit of a bounce between anxiety and depression. I have a good day then I'm reminded the next day how I felt before the good day.
I've also let my meditation slip along with other calming methods. The truth being I really don't want to spend every day and most of it assisting my anxiety into its box so I understand Blue how this happens.
Blips happen from time to time and it's normally a cumulative amount of worry and stress that causes this.
I know for you Blue that your work is not the easiest position along with a boss that can cause you upset. And not that long ago you had jury service which will have taken more strength than you realise. And I wouldn't mind betting that you are tired and just need to make time for some relaxation. It's so common to become niggly about such things like throwing away your sandwich box because everything becomes magnified when you are like this. A different mood may have had you laughing over this especially as a replacement costs no more than a few pounds.
I personally don't think a Dr could help you with this blip apart from up your meds and to be honest your friends on here who actually suffer the same thing is far more comforting and helpful to you.
Blue, it's a phase that will pass as it has before. Shelve anything that isn't a priority and turn to the comforts that you need for this time. x