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Thread: 2nd AZ Vaccine Headache Help (Clotting ruled out)

  1. #1

    2nd AZ Vaccine Headache Help (Clotting ruled out)

    Hi all,

    I had my 2nd dose of Oxford / Astra Zenica Covid vaccine on Wednesday last week and ever since Friday, I have been experiencing a constant migraine. GP has prescribed cocodamol 30/500 but it isn't helping and I have had a set of blood tests that have ruled out the extremely unlikely blood clotting issue. So my anxiety is settled now I have the all clear from that but I'm really suffering with this migraine and not sure if anyone else has experienced similar? It is a constant throbbing and pressure type of headache, particularly across my forehead. Has anyone experienced anything similar and can advise on what they did to relieve symptoms and how long it lasted?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: 2nd AZ Vaccine Headache Help (Clotting ruled out)

    I occasionally get migraines and to be honest cocodamol or paracetamol never touch it. There are some quite good over the counter migraine tablets that work, you could try asking the pharmacist?

    I forgot to say how long they usually last, mine tend to go on maybe a few hours or until whatever I take starts working, the pain can be anywhere on my head, predominantly at the front forehead area and over the top. I sometimes throw up/sometimes don't. Once whatever I've taken kicks in I usually have to go to sleep and for a few days afterwards I feel a little spaced out.

    Just throwing this in there - do you ever get trouble with your sinuses? I sometimes get blocked sinuses and as well as being painful over my nose and cheeks it sometimes radiates to my forehead.
    Last edited by Catkins; 21-06-21 at 17:17.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: 2nd AZ Vaccine Headache Help (Clotting ruled out)

    I find when pain killers aren’t helping, if I add in cool compresses for my head and a warm heating pad or hot water bottle for my back it is very soothing and helps dull the pain. No idea why.

  4. #4

    Re: 2nd AZ Vaccine Headache Help (Clotting ruled out)

    Thanks for the tips all. The cold compress certainly helps a bit so have had a towel wrapped around my head a lot! 8 days in and headache still won't shift... It is a constant dull ache with waves of more intense aches in the forehead (sinuses), top of the skull and back of the head. I also have an incredibly stiff neck as well. GP doesn't seem concerned and has prescribed naproxen to take but I'm getting tired of it all now. To me it just seems to be too much of a coincidence that 56 hours after the vaccine I get a headache like I've never experienced before. Just wish there was an answer to the cause and a treatment to fix it.

    Part of me is thinking about getting another blood test but I'm not sure it will reveal anything given I had one on Sunday just gone which came back clear.

  5. #5

    Re: 2nd AZ Vaccine Headache Help (Clotting ruled out)

    Hi, I know this post is a couple of months old but I’m experiencing the same thing. Had my 2nd AZ vaccine 6 days ago and having the same pressure headache. Not an unusual headache for me but unsettling none the less. I know my anxiety is high just now. Just wondered (if you see this message) if yours disappeared at all?
    Last edited by Worrier1985; 15-09-21 at 11:18.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: 2nd AZ Vaccine Headache Help (Clotting ruled out)

    Quote Originally Posted by Worrier1985 View Post
    Hi, I know this post is a couple of months old but I’m experiencing the same thing. Had my 2nd AZ vaccine 6 days ago and having the same pressure headache. Not an unusual headache for me but unsettling none the less. I know my anxiety is high just now. Just wondered (if you see this message) if yours disappeared at all?
    As you survived your first (AZ) jab OK, your second is likely to be a piece of cake.

    Your headache is very likely anxiety, plus I've just got over a cold myself.

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