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Thread: 19th July Reopening

  1. #831
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: 19th July Reopening

    Quote Originally Posted by spectrum123 View Post
    In quite a few European countries, childhood vaccinations are mandatory. If you fail to get your child vaccinated then they are barred from state and private schools, the parents are told to make their own privately financed homeschooling arrangements.
    I believe certain states in the US require this too.

    Details at

  2. #832
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: 19th July Reopening

    I'm gonna check out from here for a while because it's beginning to do my nut in.

  3. #833
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: 19th July Reopening

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
    It makes me feel sick, honestly.
    Me too, BI.

    I really don't like the atmosphere in this thread right now, even though we've both been known to have the occasional disagreements with each other over certain other matters on here.

    But at least I only try to post stuff if there's some lick of evidence, rather than post often randomly made-up stuff in order to seek a reaction.

  4. #834
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: 19th July Reopening

    Quote Originally Posted by Pamplemousse View Post
    The more rabid anti-vaxxers are not just dim, they are utterly stupid, malicious individuals incapable of original thought - their only point of reference is WW2 and what happened under the Nazis. Nobody mentions Stalin and Holodomor, for example.

    They obviously feel they're going to be herded into trains with no windows and roll up at a camp somewhere that has gas in the showers. Nothing - absolutely NOTHING - could be further from the truth.

    When are the mods going to get off their arses and do something about people like this? (I expect I'll be the one sanctioned for that)
    I mean, the fact that all of my incredibly intelligent friends who have PhDs and lecture at universities jumped at the chance to get their vaccines is enough for me to know it is safe.

    They did kick someone out a while ago who told me I was going to die when I posted about getting my first jab (guess what, 6 months later and I'm still here!). I think they really should kick people out who are making these Nazi/ Holocaust parallels. Holocaust survivors or their children could be reading this thread and it would be so insulting and upsetting for them to see.

  5. #835
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: 19th July Reopening

    I'd add anyone who is culturally Jewish or of the Jewish faith to that list, EA.

  6. #836
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: 19th July Reopening

    Half Jewish here, and I find it incredibly offensive.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  7. #837
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: 19th July Reopening

    The thing is that the anti-vaxxers approach this with almost religious zeal, trying to convert people to their baseless cause through fear whilst being cowards themselves.

    On a lighter note; this is priceless.

    Some may be accused of trying to dodge the system to get a vaccine certificate, but maybe none as resourceful at this Italian man.
    He presented health workers in Biella, north-west Italy, with a fake arm made of silicon. But despite its realistic colour, nobody was fooled by the limb.
    The man, in his 50s, was reported to local police on Thursday night, AFP news agency reports.
    "The case borders on the ridiculous, if it were not for the fact we are talking about a gesture of enormous gravity," the head of the Piedmont regional government, Albert Cirio, said in a statement on Facebook.
    Such an act was "unacceptable faced with the sacrifice that our entire community has paid during the pandemic, in terms of human lives, the social and economic cost", he added.
    I think they mean silicone, but you get the idea.

  8. #838
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: 19th July Reopening

    If a posturing liberal charlatan like Scott Adams is starting to worry that he got it wrong, that’s a guarantee that plenty of politicians and corporate executives are beginning to realise that they have collectively made the worst mistake of their lives and there is going to be one hell of a backlash heading right at them.
    That’ll be why they’re pushing people more than ever to be vaccinated then, right? This is honestly how dumb you folk are, you don’t even realise that you’re defeating your own argument.

    On one hand, governments and politicians are committing criminal acts by actually mandating, and in your words, coercing people into being vaccinated. On the other hand, they’ve realised they’ve made a mistake and are now backtracking? I mean, what?

    How can you push something and backtrack on it at the same time? Let’s be honest here, you’re so desperate to have your little conspiracy theory confirmed that you just absorb anything that sounds good to you and proceed to head butt your keyboard without even realising that you’ve just took a massive dump on your own argument.

    I honestly wish you lot would clamber off of your high horse and realise that if there really were some global conspiracy, the last people on earth to be able to figure it out would be those with the IQ of a watermelon. That’d be you, by the way.

  9. #839
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: 19th July Reopening

    That's very unkind to watermelons.

    (That Mitch Benn song is going round in my head now)

  10. #840
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: 19th July Reopening

    Who here has said they support forced injections? Where is the evidence, Phil?

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