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Thread: Just tested positive

  1. #1

    Just tested positive

    Hello everyone! I'm a long time lurker (almost 10 years) and i have to say that this site has got me through some very difficult times. I would say that HA has ruined what should have been some of the best years of my life and you've all helped me so much though that. The reason i am finally posting is because I've just tested positive for covid,whcih like a lot of people with HA- is a living hell. I'm hoping that this will be a place to vent and also get some reassurance along the way! If I can reassure anyone else in the process, I would start by saying that i am the most neurotic person and the thought of catching this had reduced me to literally throw up through panic. However, now that i have it, it's not what i expected. Im on day 3 of symptoms (5/6 of exposure) and i feel unwell but not the worst ive ever felt. I've had a slight blocked nose, tickly cough and woke up feeling very warm. Besides that, not much change. I'll update along the way. But if I can sit here and write this and not panic then anyone can! I understand that thingscan change but I'm planning to just liten to my body and take each day at a time. Just for some context- I'm a 32 yr old female, no underlying health issues that i know about, I've had my first vaccine (2nd due in 2 weeks) and i caught this off someone in work who decided to come in after announcing that she woke up feeling sick that morning. Thank you to everyone on here who has been the biggest reassurance to me over the years and not even realised.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Just tested positive

    You're doing really well, Pandora and please write away on here and tell us how you are getting on..What a selfish work colleague and I'm sorry you are now paying the price.

    You're doing all the rights things and every hour is an hour towards recovery and shaking off this virus. Maybe the actual reality of catching covid has been better than facing the fear of it each day for so long? It's often the way.

    I've been lucky so far and haven't had it but plenty of us on here have and I'm sure they will contribute to your thread and give you excellent advice if you have any questions.

    All the very best and look after yourself as you are doing so very well

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: Just tested positive

    Hello, glad to hear you are feeling ok despite positive test. Most people have mild cases and especially now as your body will have built up some antibodies from the jab!

    I had covid in January and for me it was a mild illness, my main symptoms were overwhelming fatigue and a chesty/ throaty feeling. This was well before I had my first vaccine so with no antibodies!

    After the first dose of vaccine you are well protected against serious illness, so I doubt it'll get worse than it is now. So grateful for these vaccines!

    Keep resting and drinking lots of fluids, taking vitamins etc. So sorry to hear that you caught it from your colleague - crazy that people are still not isolating - but you will be ok

  4. #4

    Re: Just tested positive

    Thank you so much for your lovely replies. Last night was annoying because i woke up at 4am with what felt like a fever- the sensation you get when your skin prickles. That still hasn't gone away. However, I'm still here and like Pulisa said, I'm taking it hour by hour. I have lost my ability to taste and smell but I'm also congested so it's hard to tell if that's why. Its went from feeling like hayfever to a bit like the onset of a crappy flu. I've been managing with paracetamol and baths so far. It's true that the anxiety side of this has been the worst part. If this was just a regular cold, I'd probably still go out to the the supermarket etc as usual as i have little fatigue.

    I'm wondering what pain medication/remedies others have taken as I've read some horror stories about ibuprofen and covid. Although I've read horror stories about most things and covid to be honest. I would appreciate some advice on some ways to manage symptoms or to hear what helped others. Thanks!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Just tested positive

    I had it back in late February 2020 - as did a lot of others down in London. We just didn't know we had had it as there was no public testing going on at that time. It coincided with the return of international students (Chinese and those coming back from winter breaks in Italy) to the university campus where I worked.

    My experience was similar to yours - woke up one morning feeling a bit feverish and this passed after one day. Had a cough on and off for about 2 weeks and then lost my sense of taste and smell for about 4 days. Only then did it dawn on me what it was as a lot of others had been reporting same symptoms.

    Prior to this episode I had not had a winter bug in 5 years - so this was definitely a new virus to which I had little natural or acquired immunity

    Paracetamol best for dosing yourself and to reduce any fever - certainly what general medical advice recommends. It will pass although it may leave you feeling sluggish and a bit wiped out for a few days.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Just tested positive

    Pandoraxx. Just checking in on you, how are you feeling?

    I had covid last November, while it was not fun, I have been sicker with other viruses. What I found is some of the symptoms hung around a bit longer than with other flus.

    I coughed bad for about 3 weeks. Smell and taste were gone for 2 1/2 months. I had a weird kind of chest/rib/upper digestive discomfort for several months. My son and husband also were sick at the same time, similar symptoms, my son had more congestion, my husband had none. We all had the breathlessness and racing heart. So odd.

    Sounds like your case is mild which is great. I hope you can relax a bit and let your system fight it off, I think you'll be just fine but please don't be alarmed if you get some weirdness.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: Just tested positive

    Cold and flu tablets or lemsip
    I bought some vitamin d off of amazon and took that and zinc and vitamin c each day
    Strepsils help a lot for a dry throat or cough
    Deep heat or tiger balm good for chest tightness
    Plenty of hot drinks, honey and lemon, tea and of course lots of water

    Hello Pandora, here is a list if the things that helped me and my boyfriend. You should be able to get them all off amazon.

    It sounds like classic fairly mild symptoms now. Its normal to feel fluey, sicky, and just generally rubbish - don't worry, your symptoms will level off soon.

    Like Nancy, mine did linger a little - I had a cough for 3 weeks or so, and fatigue for about 6 weeks and couldn't go on any long walks until after 6 weeks (I am a keen hiker so this was significant for me!).

    That being said, 2 of my close friends and their partners have had covid now and they were all normal after 2 weeks. I should think as you've had your first jab, it will process through your system quicker. But don't be alarmed if it takes a little longer - myself and my boyfriend are both perfectly fine now

  8. #8

    Re: Just tested positive

    Hey everyone! Thanks for the advice and concern.

    NancyW, thanks for checking in! I'm just taking it day by day but not a bad day so far! Thanks for the reassurance- it's the not knowing and the year and a half of horror stories that i heard before i caught it that have been really tough. I'm similar to you in that I've definitely been sicker. My mum had covid shortly after you in December and she definitely had a rough time with it. Great that you've all recovered though! 21/2months for your taste to return is awful! I lost mine almost immediately and it's really unpleasant.

    Thanks elizabethalice for the list and reassurance. It's certainly an odd virus and really not what i was expecting. The lack of fatigue is making me suspicious as I've heard this from a lot of people. Still, I really don't want to rule anything out now! It was reassuring that you mentioned tiger balm for chest tightness though as that's the symptom that's freaking me out the most. Glad to hear thar you and your boyfriend are both doing well now!

    Dorabella, it sounds like we've had similar symptoms. Everyone seems to have had completely different ones! My cough has disappeared for the time being but the feverish feeling also vanished. Hoping the sense of smell and taste will be back soon too because I'm really starting to miss them. You sounded like you coped very well with yours and i hope you're fully recovered.

    Its day 6/7 of exposure and roughly day 4 of symptoms and my current symptoms are much the same as before- the fever/skin prickles seem to have passed. I am still congested but not as bad as a cold and i have completely lost my sense of smell and taste, which is pretty strange. The worst part so far seems to be the anxiety of waiting for it to get worse and also a tight chest which could very much be my anxiety (I'm a chronic tenser). I've been told that the tight chest can be fairly common and nothing to be too concerned with so I'm telling myself that. Your replies have been really helpful and reassuring, thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Just tested positive

    I had Covid in October and my symptoms were very similar to yours. The loss of smell and taste is really bizarre but it will gradually return. Mine is honestly only just back to completely as they were before I had Covid.

    The tight chest, for me, was pretty painful, but it did seem to be more down to muscular pains rather than some heart or lung problems.

    I’m sure you’ll be fine, I found after the 4th day the symptoms started to rapidly improve rather than get worse.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: Just tested positive

    Hello, yes I had a tight chest for 6 weeks or so - it was manageable after a while but still lingered so I ended up speaking to my GP who said its normal for chest muscles to get inflamed when you have a virus. Tiger balm definitely helps!

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