I started posting in this forum back in 2017 when I went through a hard time with my father being sick and living back with my parents with my daughter. I went through hell for months and thought I wouldn't make it but I did somehow and ended up taking Prozac again for three years. I've taken prozac back when it was sarafem in high school then 20mg when I was going through a horrible divorce, then again when I moved out of state, then back on it in 2017. The only reason Ive ever stopped taking it was because my insurance would lapse and I couldn't go see a Dr.

Last time I took it was Dec 2020 while I had covid and again my insurance lapsed and I couldn't get the Dr to prescribe it to me.

Fast forward to now and my anxiety is back and in full force. After a series of stressful events that involved my daughter getting sick, me thinking I had covid again, a friendship gone wrong, and depression I now have GERD and all I do is worry about having esophagus cancer or stomach cancer. I worry and cry in my room. Last night I had another major panic attack. I can't live like this anymore.

I went to a mental health clinic and the psychiatrist gave me 10mg prozac per my request and vistaril since they don't give out benzos....but now I'm wondering if I made a big mistake by taking the prozac today. My right eye is burning, my right ear is hurting, and the acid reflux is in full swing. I'm scared it's not going to work and I've done too much damage to my brain. Please help.