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Thread: Smear test fear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Smear test fear

    Hi everyone,

    Just got my cervical screening letter, I knew it was coming but I feel sick with fear about it. I’ve had 3 smears already so you would think I would be used to it by now. I have to make an appointment at my gp and I’m so anxious about it, it’s ridiculous! I don’t know why I’m feeling like this. I know it’s such a quick process but I think I’m more anxious about the result waiting after. Does anyone else get this way or am I being silly?

    Thanks in advance 😊

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Smear test fear

    Yes I have one next week, and I'm so nervous. Actually, I've never been able to go through with the full exam because I get too anxious. But I know it's important.
    I'm so stressed right now my period hasn't shown up yet and I'm sure it will arrive the day of my appointment to make things even more interesting!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Smear test fear

    I have an appointment on the 24th august so I have quite a while to wait it was the only date they had available unfortunately.
    I hope your appointment goes well try not to worry too much, take lots of deep breaths and think of something that makes you happy.

  4. #4

    Re: Smear test fear

    Nope your not being silly it's a stressful thing!! The actual smear test doesn't worry or stress me at all but yes, the waiting for results is what I struggle with! You are not alone! I think what we all have to remember is that a smear test is to detect pre cancerous cells which can be treated and dealt with 👍

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Smear test fear

    It's not the pleasantest experience but only because they never warm the damn thing up!

    I had mine last year (I think?) and I have menopausal issues - the ol' vageroo has tightened up considerably which mean I've had to go down a few speculum sizes. That said, it was the first action my vagina's seen in a while, so all was not lost.

    Smears are one of those things that no woman relishes having done but it's necessary and it's a case of minor discomfort (if any) and only for a few seconds, but we get three years reassurance. (five for me because I'm over 50)

    Keep telling yourself that you have to have it done, and then postpone thinking about until the day before.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Smear test fear

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    It's not the pleasantest experience but only because they never warm the damn thing up!

    I had mine last year (I think?) and I have menopausal issues - the ol' vageroo has tightened up considerably which mean I've had to go down a few speculum sizes. That said, it was the first action my vagina's seen in a while, so all was not lost.

    Smears are one of those things that no woman relishes having done but it's necessary and it's a case of minor discomfort (if any) and only for a few seconds, but we get three years reassurance. (five for me because I'm over 50)

    Keep telling yourself that you have to have it done, and then postpone thinking about until the day before.
    Thank you for your reply you made me laugh 😂 but yes it’s necessary and has to be done. I told myself I will shove it to the back of my mind until the day. I have my little boys birthday tomorrow so don’t want silly thoughts to ruin it 😊

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Smear test fear

    Quote Originally Posted by Debsi77 View Post
    Nope your not being silly it's a stressful thing!! The actual smear test doesn't worry or stress me at all but yes, the waiting for results is what I struggle with! You are not alone! I think what we all have to remember is that a smear test is to detect pre cancerous cells which can be treated and dealt with 👍
    Yes waiting for anything causes me stress lol i have to find things to keep my mind busy but I know I’m going to be jumping every time the postman comes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Smear test fear

    I have a smear booked on Monday and I am so nervous! I’m 35 so I’ve had a few smears (never missed one!) I had abnormal cells when I was 28 but two normal smears since then but I’m still feeling panicky! I want to have another baby but told my partner it can’t happen until I’ve had the all clear from my next smear

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Smear test fear

    Quote Originally Posted by fizzymoon86 View Post
    I have a smear booked on Monday and I am so nervous! I’m 35 so I’ve had a few smears (never missed one!) I had abnormal cells when I was 28 but two normal smears since then but I’m still feeling panicky! I want to have another baby but told my partner it can’t happen until I’ve had the all clear from my next smear

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Yes I am the exact same. I want another baby too and I wanted to try earlier this year but then I thought no I need to get this smear done so I know everything is ok before starting anything. Good luck with your smear on Monday hope everything goes ok for you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Smear test fear

    I'm well overdue mine and I'm so scared! It's not the physical exam, none of that bothers me. Waiting for results is the worst, and I've not been well with extreme anxiety the past year so I've just ignored my letters. Really need to go

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