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Thread: Cancer Fear!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Cancer Fear!

    I've had the following symptoms on and off over the last few weeks and I'm starting to panic that I have pancreatic cancer.

    I will start off by saying I was diagnosed with GERD years ago and put on Omeprazole which was a life saver.

    This time round I've been on the Omeprazole about 4 weeks and although it's eased some symptoms, I can't see a huge difference.

    -Indigestion feeling
    -Burping (sometimes with reflux)
    -Nausea in morning (has improved since sleeping upright)
    -Burning pain under left breast
    -Dull ache/Pain in mid upper back - can be relieved with stretching or sitting up but then comes back.
    -Watery diarrhea for the last few days.
    -Very mild pain upper right abdomen that isn't always there
    -Sometimes have trouble swallowing and have episodes when it's like I stop breathing and have to swallow or cough - this has woken me at night too.
    -Heart palpitations

    I've had a lot of upset recently, wouldn't necessarily say stress, just a family member being unwell which has been upsetting.

    But I'm now really worried that this is something awful and I'm going to die.

    I've had recent bloods including Thyroid and an ECG and all came back fine.

    Does this sound like cancer? Or just a bad flare up of GERD? Could it even be a hernia?

    I'm also overweight and sit hunched in front of a laptop all-day for work.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Cancer Fear!

    As you've already been diagnosed with GERD I would say it was that combined with anxiety. Occasionally my stomach flares up and I have to double my lansoprazone for a while. Maybe discuss this with your GP?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Cancer Fear!

    Those are GERD/Reflux symptoms, not heart symptoms. I agree about discussing it with your GP. Maybe a stronger PPI along with diet changes are in order.

    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Cancer Fear!

    So to update on this, a few symptoms have subsided. However I still have soft stools everyday. And pain kind of to the right of my belly button which also is on the left but less frequently.

    I'm also losing weight (something I usually Find really difficult)

    Now I'm convinced I've got cancer and it'd spread 😭

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Cancer Fear!

    Based on what you described. Nope. Not cancer.

    I’ve been having bloating, nausea after eating, reflux and gas. And all these also makes my mind think i have cancer. But guess what, it subsides. If, it subsides, it is not cancer.

    As FMP would say, cancer is not something that goes away. It is constantly there!

    Try STOPP

    Stop for a second
    Take a deep breath
    Observe body sensations
    Pull back and perceive
    Practice what has worked.

    Our body works in strange ways. And stomach problems are definitely a big issue for anxiety sufferers. You’re not alone. But never lose hope, never give up. Keep fighting!

    Exercise will do you good too Even just walking 7500 steps a day!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Cancer Fear!

    I think I wouldn't be so concerned if it wasn't for the weight loss! I find losing weight really hard but it's dropped off the last few weeks. 9lbs since the end of July.
    I feel like I've no appetite. Had one mouthful of dinner tonight and felt sick.
    Now just really bloated.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Cancer Fear!

    I have spoken to my Dr and have blood tests booked tomorrow.

    I asked him if he thought it was "C" and he said it didn't even cross his mind! But everything points to that so is he just reassuring me so I don't spiral?

    It settled me for 10 minutes then I've been spiralling again.

    I managed to eat some chips last night but by 3am I had stomach cramps and D (sorry TMI) and this morning I woke up really nauseous and vomited (only acid/bile)

    I've convinced myself I have advanced cancer and this is it!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2021

    Re: Cancer Fear!

    Quote Originally Posted by WorryWendy View Post
    I have spoken to my Dr and have blood tests booked tomorrow.

    I asked him if he thought it was "C" and he said it didn't even cross his mind! But everything points to that so is he just reassuring me so I don't spiral?

    It settled me for 10 minutes then I've been spiralling again.

    I managed to eat some chips last night but by 3am I had stomach cramps and D (sorry TMI) and this morning I woke up really nauseous and vomited (only acid/bile)

    I've convinced myself I have advanced cancer and this is it!!
    I know how short lived the reassurance can be! Loose stools can be caused by so many different things. I wish I could take my own advice when I say don’t worry! Anxiety plays absolute havoc with the digestive system.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Cancer Fear!

    It's the weight loss that's got me! It's dropping off which is unheard of for me!

    Nurse weighed me this morning and I'd lost another 6lb since Saturday. I'm really hoping it's just because it's between 2 different scales. Not sure I can face weighing myself anymore

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2021

    Re: Cancer Fear!

    Scales can vary quite a lot and you’ve probably lost some weight getting yourself into an anxious state over everything.

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