I've had weird sensations in the base of my right foot for years. Anything from tingles to twitching. Occasionally I get flashes of heat in the sole of that foot too. It comes and goes in waves. I don't worry too much as it stayed to one spot in my foot and didn't get any worse or different.

Last night though, while I was in bed reading, my right foot started off with that hot "inner warmth" feeling and I ignored it as the usual thing it sometimes likes to do. Then it quickly spread up my whole foot and lower leg. It didn't hurt, didn't look off colour, and wasn't swollen. I touched the skin and it was the same temperature as my other leg. Gradually after about 20 minutes, it faded away and didn't bother me for the rest of the night.

Then it happened again this morning while I was sitting eating breakfast. I didn't have the leg at a weird angle or anything, but my foot felt like the sun was shining directly on it. It spread up to my knee and a little on my outer thigh. Again, it subsided after about twenty minutes.

I'm a little freaked out about DVT, but it tends to come with pain, swelling, and skin that is actually hot to the touch. My leg feels perfectly cool when I touch it. Of course my brain is focused on the few people who show only vague symptoms and end up actually having a blood clot. That could be me. I don't want to ignore something potentially serious, but I'm sure my gp would send me home if I just came in with "a warm leg that isn't even warm"

The only way I can describe the feeling is that it's an intense sensation of warmth and spreads from my foot upwards, like its flowing through my veins. When I touch the skin, it doesn't feel hot at all. I can't see any discolouration either.

Has anybody else had this happen to them?