This happened two days ago but I'm still spiraling from it roughly 48 hours later.
For context, rabies has been a major trigger for my anxiety for about a year now and I've had several 'freak out and spiral for weeks' episodes within that time. It seems like every time I notice an abrasion that I don't remember getting, my mind immediately goes to a mouse, a bat, a rat, or any other small thing that could have bitten without me knowing. I'm so sick of it because it literally pulls me out of whatever groove my life is in at that point.
Earlier this week I noticed this ( abrasion on my toe and was able to stop myself before spiraling with some logical reasoning. Fast-forward to the other day and my housemate found a mouse in our hallway and my brain immediately called back to the above abrasion. Again, I tried to reason myself out of it by saying that 'mice typically don't carry the disease,' 'it isn't that aggressive,' 'etc' but the damage had already been done. What made it worse was that the mouse didn't appear totally normal to me and seemed to have difficulty walking which really caused a spiral.
It got to the point where I trapped it and called a public health office to see what I should do. After explaining everything the person on the phone informed me that 'there has never been a mouse with rabies recorded in my state' (new jersey), 'something that small never survives the attack,' and that no action was necessary and I was essentially fine. While this made me feel better for a bit, my OCD wasn't convinced and as I write this I'm still totally out of it. If it was just the mouse it wouldn't be this bad, if it was just the abrasion (which I keep trying to convince my brain is not a bite) it wouldn't be this bad, and if the mouse was acting normal it wouldn't be bad, but everything together is freaking me out.
While I think I should take the public health department's advice and take no action from here, I'm completely terrified and really don't know what to do. I sent the above image to a doctor friend in the family who said he didn't think it looked like a bite and was more of a scrape, but I am still really not feeling safe.