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Thread: Pregabalin or effects of long term anxiety?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Pregabalin or effects of long term anxiety?

    No she's not. She's also been given ECGs before starting other ADs in the past and nothing abnormal has ever been picked up.

    She's speaking to the GP on Friday. I'm sure the next step will be the Holter monitor. It would be better if it were the pregabalin or a dodgy machine because that would be easily remedied but we'll have to see what is suggested next. The GP may just repeat the ECG, I suppose?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Pregabalin or effects of long term anxiety?

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    She's also been given ECGs before starting other ADs in the past and nothing abnormal has ever been picked up.

    ...It would be better if it were the pregabalin or a dodgy machine because that would be easily remedied
    If relatively recent ECGs have been okay then that does point to it being the pregabalin. A faulty ECG machine is, or at least should be, less likely.

    The GP may just repeat the ECG, I suppose?
    Probably. Even if it found nothing untoward I'd be asking for the holter monitor anyway to be sure because some arrhythmias can be transient.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Pregabalin or effects of long term anxiety?

    It turns out that the nurse misread the ECG as the GP says it looks normal!!! No further action needed which is a relief and it also means that she can continue with the pregabalin!

    Good job my daughter doesn't have HA!!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Pregabalin or effects of long term anxiety?

    Oh P that’s fantastic news!!! I hadn’t commented earlier because I had no idea on what you were asking. But I’m so glad everything is fine.

    My younger brother is severely autistic. He’s probably what I would consider low to medium functioning, but has never been on any meds. He lives at home with my mom (can’t be unsupervised) but does go to a day center where he goes to work at jobs such as rolling silverware at restaurants or being driven to elderly homes to deliver meals. His verbal skills are very limited, but they’ve improved somewhat as he’s continued the day center. He actually was in the first group of kids to be “inclusioned” into the regular learning classrooms in the middle schools here 15 years ago. Since then the school system has had so much success with this program, it’s found in all of our schools in our district (I think we’re up to 80 schools now if you include all grade levels). It’s been wonderful seeing how much these kids have progressed when just given the opportunity to learn alongside their peers and not feel any different than anyone else. My brother gets so excited when he brings home a paycheck at the end of each week “just like a grown up”. He’s 35 now.

    Hugs to you and your daughter, P. So glad she gets to continue the med that seems to be helping her!!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Pregabalin or effects of long term anxiety?

    Thanks,GG..Good to hear that your brother is doing so well and is happy. That's so important.

    My 2 are high functioning but both have severe mental distress. My daughter had to start pregabalin to cope with the trauma of my son being sectioned when he lost his job over 2 years ago and attempted suicide many times. I can't say the med is doing much but when the source of her trauma is ever present then it's hardly likely to..

  6. #16
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Pregabalin or effects of long term anxiety?

    No, probably not. That’s got to be incredibly difficult for her, as there’s no real “escape”. I don’t know how your MH services are over there but it can be very difficult to get any real help over here, and often wait times for therapy are very long. Mixing in the autism with that, I can imagine it’s been impossible for you to get any help for your daughter. Thinking of you guys and hoping for a measure of peace!

  7. #17
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    Jun 2014

    Re: Pregabalin or effects of long term anxiety?

    Thank you..MH services here are appalling when ASD becomes complex because there is no understanding at all and the "professionals" just say there is nothing more they can do...So goodbye and good luck. So it's all about finding the "right" person in the private sector.. if you have deep funds of course.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Pregabalin or effects of long term anxiety?

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    It turns out that the nurse misread the ECG as the GP says it looks normal!!! No further action needed !
    That is very good news!!

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