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Thread: CBD Oil and Citalopram

  1. #1

    CBD Oil and Citalopram

    Hi, as the world is still topsy turvy and it can be overwhelming, I have started taking cbd oil. I already take 20 mg of citalopram every day and have done now for several years. At first the cbd oil was really good but now Ive noticed my mood/anxiety /thoughts are defo on a turn for the worse. has anyone takne them both at the same time and do they not work work together?
    Any help or advice would be appreciated.
    thank you in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: CBD Oil and Citalopram

    Quote Originally Posted by carolf View Post
    Hi, as the world is still topsy turvy and it can be overwhelming, I have started taking cbd oil. I already take 20 mg of citalopram every day and have done now for several years.
    So you began taking cannabidiol because the citalopram was no longer keeping stress levels under control?

    At first the cbd oil was really good but now Ive noticed my mood/anxiety /thoughts are defo on a turn for the worse. has anyone takne them both at the same time and do they not work work together?
    How long have you been taking the CBD with citalopram? CBD inhibits two liver enzymes that metabolise citalopram which may have significantly raised its plasma levels. If you've only been adding CBD for a few days to a couple of weeks you could be experiencing the typical side-effects experienced when increasing the citalopram dose including heightened anxiety.

    I think raising the citalopram dose would have been a better option than using CBD.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3

    Re: CBD Oil and Citalopram

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    So you began taking cannabidiol because the citalopram was no longer keeping stress levels under control?

    How long have you been taking the CBD with citalopram? CBD inhibits two liver enzymes that metabolise citalopram which may have significantly raised its plasma levels. If you've only been adding CBD for a few days to a couple of weeks you could be experiencing the typical side-effects experienced when increasing the citalopram dose including heightened anxiety.

    I think raising the citalopram dose would have been a better option than using CBD.

    HI, Ive only been taking it for about 3 weeks, yes maybe raising my dose would of been better, thank you for your advice

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , Australia.

    Re: CBD Oil and Citalopram

    Like you I was considering CBD oil so I spoke to a few people that had tried it for both anx/dep and chronic pain and they all said the same as you.
    Incredible relief at first then it just stopped working so i decided to save my money.
    If you read the interactions it isn't supposed to be used with SSRIs or benzos which would have meant giving up my Lexapro to try it which I'm not prepared to do either.
    Don't believe everything you think.

    Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: CBD Oil and Citalopram

    Quote Originally Posted by BrennenWest View Post
    My friend tells me that CBD Oil doesn't help, just because it's not made from natural substances, is that true?
    CBD oil is extracted from hemp plants using solvents, usually CO2, and then distilled to remove unwanted components such as Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the main psychoactive component of cannabis.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  6. #6

    Re: CBD Oil and Citalopram

    Well I've been using citalopram 30mg for over 13 years now coming off citalopram because it's does work anymore yes I'm using CBD oil have for the last 3 months for me it works I sleep better less anxiety yes citalopram is hard to come off as I have just dropped from 20mg to 10mg my head was all over the place for a few days now clearing and yes I looked into different brands of CBD oil and chose carefully and I will say in my experience it works after years of still suffering with citalopram start off on a low strength at first but don't give up like some have said there is more than one strength like citalopram it takes a while and finding the correct strength don't write it off on other people say till you've tried it and yes I've been a member on here a long time and this site has helped me in the past

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