Quote Originally Posted by WorryRaptor View Post
As somebody who regularly gets all manner of skips, pauses, thumps and fluttering, I know how scary it can be when you don't know what's going on with your heart. Ectopics, PVCs and PACs are usually benign though. Some people get them more than others, and some people just feel them more intensely. Feeling them more intensely doesn't indicate that they're more harmful or anything like that. Mine feel like I'm suddenly dropping on a rollercoaster then I get a massive thump in my chest, or sometimes a flutter. It's terrifying when it happens, but I have been assured it isn't hurting me.

Like others have said here, your GP would have contacted you pretty quickly if there was anything of concern on the ECG.

Another thing that makes palpitations happen much more frequently is stress. Is it possible that you're more aware of them now, so they're happening more often? The heart reacts to stress hormones, so I would guess some of the uncertainty and anxiety about about them is making them worse.

Don't focus too much on the watch for heart rate readings. While they give a good general overview, they are notorious for taking false readings that either half or double your actual heart rate. Mine does it a lot when its not very snug on my wrist, or my skin is slightly perspiring. Even jerky movements like fixing your hair or throwing something in the bin can throw it off now and again.

oh how id love to take not a lot of notice of these blighters!

But here I am, full blown health anxiety and stuck in a rut. Maybe when I’ve had some gp answers (most people with eptopics are fitted with a 24hr monitor etc to catch them, so I’d at least expect that . 🤔 I don’t know.

all I know is they’re getting worse and upsetting me very much

thanks for your replies
