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Thread: Covid is here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Covid is here

    Hi all I have been trying not to panic, but my fear has become a reality after waging war on covid isolating and doing all we can covid is in the house.

    My eldest had to go to her cardiology appointment the only place she has gone in over 18 months. We took all precautions masked her up her doubly vaccinated dad took her we fidnt use public transport and it got her.

    Covid is here our eldest has it she us on day six, our youngest and I have it day 3 and now dad and nan are sick day 1. We are all at different stages or different days but I'm so scared I've heard u can get better then worse I've heard that u can reinfect those u live with its impossible to issolate from eachother im terrified.

    Both dad, nan and oldest daughter have underlying conditions . I'm so so scared has anyone got any positive covid stories all I see and hear are the terrifying ones

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Covid is here

    Whilst I totally understand your concerns, at the same time it's worth remembering that the vast majority of the global population who have caught Covid to-date have actually recovered.

    Of course, there are quite a few who are/have been far less fortunate and caught long Covid and/or sadly, died of Covid.

    Just out of interest, have you been jabbed yet, if you don't mind me asking?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Covid is here

    Hi lencoboy, thankyou for you reply I myself have not been vaccinated but my husband has.

    Thankyou for your reply I am trying not to enter freefall, everyone I love in the household now has it I'm not scared for myself just them.

    Is it possible because we have all developed symptoms at different times to reinfect other members of the household who are getting better? I have no idea how this will run its course but fear is definately running wild

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Covid is here

    Quote Originally Posted by panicstricken View Post
    Hi lencoboy, thankyou for you reply I myself have not been vaccinated but my husband has.

    Thankyou for your reply I am trying not to enter freefall, everyone I love in the household now has it I'm not scared for myself just them.

    Is it possible because we have all developed symptoms at different times to reinfect other members of the household who are getting better? I have no idea how this will run its course but fear is definately running wild
    Infecting someone in the household who has recently recovered is not in the least bit likely. What you need to remember is that when a person is infected, the immune system is in full swing dealing with the infection.

    One of the up sides to Covid, not that there are many, is that it really does seem to give a high degree of naturally acquired immunity. It’s also, so far as anyone can tell, a fairly long lasting immunity.

    In fact, immediately after infection, your immune response is at least equal to, and maybe even better, than the response from full vaccination.

    I understand your concerns, it’s never nice when this virus pays a visit, but as Lenco said above, the likelihood is you’ll all feel a bit rubbish for a few days and make a full recovery. This is the case for the vast vast majority of people.

    My advice is to concern yourself with getting better, for you and your family. Try not to further pile on the pressure to yourself by thinking of what ifs. It will do nothing but make you feel worse. Take your time, relax, and ride it out. You’ll be fine.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Covid is here

    Absolutely spot on Gary.

    Trouble is, it's not really a feasible option for the media to plug the fact that the vast majority fortunately do successfully recover from Covid, especially as scaremongering words like 'killer virus' etc, is amongst the only language many of the thick people of this world really seem to understand, particularly the blatant non-believers!

    In fact quite a few of them are now basically facing the music over their previous 'non-belief' and/or antivaxx attitudes!

    P.S, Panicstricken, I'm NOT implying you're an antivaxxer in any way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Covid is here

    Panicstricken I understand why you’re concerned, I would probably be feeling the same. All we hear are the negative stories. Try to reinforce to yourself though that a vast majority of people do get over Covid just fine and move on with their lives.

    I have heard here in the states though that natural infection (especially right after it) does give you a high level of antibodies. That’s not saying you shouldn’t get vaccinated, you absolutely should - but it would be near impossible for any of your household to become reinfected immediately.

    Just try to eat well, drink lots of fluids, and get lots of rest - you’ll be back to normal in no time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Covid is here

    I agree with everyone here. I really don't think you can reinfect anyone in your household. With regards to getting the vaccine after having had Covid, people at work had to wait 28 days before they could have it.

    Most people I know who have had it, had it relatively mildly. Keep eating, have plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest.

    Neighbours a couple of doors down had it a couple of weeks ago, they were double jabbed, suffered virtually nothing and are completely fine now. So much so that they went to a concert last night - they felt it was probably the safest time for them to go.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Covid is here

    Thankyou all so much for your replies, I'm sorry I havent responded until now but it all seems to be getting worse here at the moment.

    Everyone in our household now has covid all at different stages but we are all positive.

    My eldest is day 8 hopefully over the worst of it

    My youngest and myself are day 5

    My mum is day 3

    My husband day 1

    I am terrified. My two girls thankfully are seeming to be well playing and temps are back to normal. My.mum and husband are both well coughing but not feeling too I'll.

    I am feeling really ill, I'm really.struggling to breathe my lips are tingling and blue and I feel like my chest is heavy. I haven't had a fever until today and it has been minimal only 38 but I really.feel.rough I'm scared I honestly thought day 5 I'd be feeling better and this fever cant be good. I'm petrified because now my husband and mum have it too I'm thinking the worst.

    Is a fever day 5 bad news or could this be the break also has anyone had this breathlessness and recovered .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Covid is here

    Hi, how are you feeling now? I’m really sorry that you’re going through this x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Covid is here

    I've heard of lots of people getting breathless and recovering.

    But if you're worried you could always call 111?

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