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Thread: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    Wow glassgirlw, brilliant! You are so focused and achieving your goal. Really proud of you!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    It appears that I’m horrible at regularly updating my little “diary” here lol. Haven’t posted in a little over a month - I’m now down 66 lbs! It’s been going surprisingly well for me. In the past, I’ve made it a month or two and then “fallen off the wagon” so to speak. So it’s a real shocker for me to have made it this long, and still feel encouraged to keep going.

    I’ve been somewhat of a picky eater my whole life. Many are worse than me, but there were certain veg that I would not touch, at all. Bell peppers and onions were a big one. This lifestyle change has been great for that too. I actually enjoy those things now. So crazy.

    Got my booster on Friday, and it’s been a bit of a rough weekend. Crossing fingers, the fever, aches, and chills seem to finally be gone this morning - but I’ve decided to call off work today and take it easy for one more day. I would totally do it over again though as I do feel the protection it offers outweighs the vaccine side effects, so hopefully this doesn’t scare off others reading that might be hesitant to get it!!

    Thanksgiving is this week in the states. To most of us over here it’s a day where we gather with family and stuff ourselves with wholly unhealthy food until we can’t move. For me, I will be staying home with my hubby and having my daughter and her best friend over for dinner. We’re smoking a very small Turkey breast, making some mashed potatoes that use skim milk, Greek yogurt, and chicken broth - sounds odd and not good at all, surprised me to find I actually enjoy these more than the full fat version! And I’ll make my usual bread crumb dressing but lightened up, and prepared in muffin tins to help control portion sizes. Forgoing pumpkin pie, and doing an apple pie for hubby and daughter as I dislike cooked fruit and they love it!

    I have a very, very long way to go on my journey - my next big “goal” is to be in the 250’s by December 31st - 10 lbs or so away. Had to Google this one because I don’t work in stone lol - it seems as though I’m currently around 19 stone, and ultimately need to be around 10-11 stone - so I have a very, very long way to go. I’m trying not to look at the big picture though - if this is truly to be a lifestyle change, then it doesn’t matter how quickly or how long it takes me to lose all that weight - the most important thing is focusing on my diet changes.

    I hope you are all doing well - and those on my side of the pond have a wonderful thanksgiving holiday with family and friends! Be safe out there and I hope everyone has a great week ahead!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    Brilliant news glassgirlw
    Happy Thanksgiving x

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    You are doing so well!

    It is much better to break weight loss down into steps rather than looking at it as a whole. Whenever I go on a diet I tend to do it 1/2 stone increments. I've put back on all the weight I lost earlier this year, plus a little more (anxiety driven rather than intentional loss). But I'm not going to worry about it until March and then see how I feel.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    I’m so glad I found this post! I was about to make a post asking for some help getting back on track. I’d like to lose 50 pounds. I’m feel so uncomfortable and I’m just tired of it! I’ve always been a yo-yo dieter also and I can’t stand it. So I’m going to use this as motivation!

    Do you have any good tips to get started?

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    The My Fitness Pal app is free, and I use it daily. The first week I ate as I had been, but logged every meal so that I could see the “normal” days worth of calories I was eating. Wow. Quite the eye opener for me lol. From there the motivation just kicked in to do better. I haven’t really eliminated anything from my diet, although I rarely eat fast food now just because I’m cooking more at home. I keep healthier snacks on hand, like raw veggies or almonds - Costco has some great lower calorie snack options. I was never really a soda drinker so water intake isn’t an issue for me; that’s all I drink anyway. Everything in moderation is my motto. I have a daily calorie guideline that I strive to stay under - the app gives you those guidelines once you enter your stats and how much per week you’d like to lose.

    still trying to get motivated to add in exercise. That’s my struggle. But I’m still consistently, slowly, losing - so what I’m doing is working so far! Just have to pick a day and start - it’s one day at a time!! Feel free to post here too! Accountability helps me as well.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    Well here we are, end of 2021. I think a lot of us were hopeful we'd be done and officially out of the pandemic by now, but it just keeps dragging on. Trying to not let myself too bogged down by all that and just keep focusing on improving my own health, since that’s something I can control!

    As of today, I’ve lost almost right at 80 lbs. Huge achievement for me, as I’ve been very overweight all my adult life. I’ve dieted in the past, lost 20-30 lbs, then fallen off track and gained it all back, plus some. So I’m extremely proud of myself for sticking with it this long, even through the holidays I didn’t fly way off the rails!

    I still want to incorporate exercise into this new lifestyle, but as yet I haven’t been able to. There’s nothing holding me back really, my joints have so much less pain now after losing 80 lbs. My main source of anxiety my whole life has surrounded my heart, which is silly really. I’ve had tests, all good. And go for long stretches of time where I don’t think about it at all. And logically I know exercise is great for my heart, so you would think that would encourage me even more to start. But as soon as the old heart rate goes up, I immediately relate that to anxiety attacks and past panics over my heart. Just need to find a way to push myself through this and start, even if it’s with baby steps.

    Enough rambling from me, I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, and peaceful start to 2022! Here’s to next year hopefully being better than the last!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    That's an incredible achievement which takes determination and sheer perseverance. Can't have been easy, GG, especially during such a challenging year. I think you have given yourself a wonderful opportunity to embark on a new and healthier way to live in 2022 and you should be very proud of yourself!

    Happy New You!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    You have done brilliantly! I will have to consider cutting back fairly soon - in my head I've said March.

    Exercise wise, do you like walking? That's quite a good way to start, flat ground and setting small goals? Also yoga, you can put as little or as much effort in as you feel able to.

    I'm not a great exerciser, but walking, yoga and swimming have really helped me this year mentally. I'm sure it must have helped physically too, but I guess that wasn't my main reason for doing it.

    Anyway, you deserve a big pat on the back for what you've achieved this year, it really is something to be very proud of!

  10. #30

    Re: Weight Loss - A Positive Post!

    I heard about the yo-yo diet for the first time thanks to you.thanks a lot. i'll try.

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