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Thread: My daughter has tested positive for Covid 😞

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    My daughter has tested positive for Covid 😞

    Hi guys

    Just as the title says my 28 yr old daughter who still lives at home has covid…

    She is doing ok thank god she was quite poorly Saturday and Sunday but feels much better today she hasn’t needed hospital care thank god she is double jabbed

    I’m so scared now I know it’s in the house I’m scared I will get it or my husband but especially my 20 yr old son who has Autism he is scared of covid very much he is dealing with the fact that it’s in the house extremely well..I am petrified one of us will end up really poorly we are all double jabbed

    I have friends who work in hospitals and they are basically all telling me that the people in hospitals with it now are people who haven’t had the jab or only had 1 but the fear is still that that me or one of mine will end up a newspaper headline

    My daughter got ill last Thursday night didn’t feel too good Friday so took a lateral flow sat morning which was positive and then went for a pcr which she got the results for Sunday morning I haven’t physically seen her since Saturday she’s been in her room she wears a mask to use the toilet and sprays antibacterial spray after she’s done I have hand sanitizer all over the house I use gloves and wear a mask when handling her food plates or cups

    Am I doing enough? I am so scared thanks for reading guys x

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: My daughter has tested positive for Covid 😞


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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: My daughter has tested positive for Covid 😞

    Quote Originally Posted by ScaredCaz View Post
    Hi guys

    Just as the title says my 28 yr old daughter who still lives at home has covid…

    She is doing ok thank god she was quite poorly Saturday and Sunday but feels much better today she hasn’t needed hospital care thank god she is double jabbed

    I’m so scared now I know it’s in the house I’m scared I will get it or my husband but especially my 20 yr old son who has Autism he is scared of covid very much he is dealing with the fact that it’s in the house extremely well..I am petrified one of us will end up really poorly we are all double jabbed

    I have friends who work in hospitals and they are basically all telling me that the people in hospitals with it now are people who haven’t had the jab or only had 1 but the fear is still that that me or one of mine will end up a newspaper headline

    My daughter got ill last Thursday night didn’t feel too good Friday so took a lateral flow sat morning which was positive and then went for a pcr which she got the results for Sunday morning I haven’t physically seen her since Saturday she’s been in her room she wears a mask to use the toilet and sprays antibacterial spray after she’s done I have hand sanitizer all over the house I use gloves and wear a mask when handling her food plates or cups

    Am I doing enough? I am so scared thanks for reading guys x
    As far as I'm concerned, you do sound as if you're doing enough, Caz.

    At least your daughter now seems to be over the worst of her Covid, and in the meantime I wish her a speedy recovery.

    As for you or one of your family ending up a newspaper headline, why would your household specifically be singled out when thousands of others in this country are victims of Covid on a daily basis?

    For instance, a member of staff at my day centre went off on sick leave with Covid fairly recently, and no big deal was made of it. Had that happened a year ago or possibly even 6 months ago my day centre would have been on the front page of the local rag (and possibly even BBC Midlands Today) as a potential source of a local outbreak and shut down for a week or two. Now it's just been business as usual, though the staff member concerned has now fully recovered.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: My daughter has tested positive for Covid 😞

    Hi Caz,

    It sounds like she will be fine. I'm her age and had covid in January, before jabs were around, and it was nasty but i was ok. With the extra protection of the jabs I'm sure she will be fine, the chance of a healthy double jabbed 28 year old having complications is slim to none. Have you and the rest of your household tested? I'd say if you're not seeing her and are still negative in a couple of days you probably won't catch it. Regardless if you do, you're all double jabbed so the chances are either it'll be very mild or you'll feel rubbish for a few days but get over it quickly. I'm sure you will all be fine!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: My daughter has tested positive for Covid 😞

    Hi all

    Thanks so much for your replies

    I didn’t mean to imply that we would be singled out above everyone else that had suffered with this horrible virus

    I am very aware there are many people and families in worse situation than mine and I’m sorry if I came across as selfish in my post

    I guess HA makes you a little selfish which I do hate myself for….she is doing well and thank you for you good wishes…we have all done lateral flow tests I had to do one for work on Sunday and my husband and son have also done one all negative so that’s good

    My daughter has ordered home pcr tests for us all and herself an antibody one just to be sure they should be here today or tomorrow

    Thanks again for your replies it really does help and I will carry on doing as I have been and hopefully we will be ok

    Hope everyone stays well and safe x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: My daughter has tested positive for Covid 😞

    You didn't sound selfish, it sounds like a very common anxiety thought! Glad you're all doing ok. Is your daughter feeling better today? Just keep reminding yourself that are all double jabbed and the chances of getting it badly are very very very slim. Plus, if the rest of your family are still feeling ok and your daughter is isolating you're nearly in the clear.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: My daughter has tested positive for Covid 😞

    Quote Originally Posted by elizabethalice View Post
    You didn't sound selfish, it sounds like a very common anxiety thought! Glad you're all doing ok. Is your daughter feeling better today? Just keep reminding yourself that are all double jabbed and the chances of getting it badly are very very very slim. Plus, if the rest of your family are still feeling ok and your daughter is isolating you're nearly in the clear.

    Thanks again for your reply

    We are all ok still and my daughter has had a bath today she said she got a little panicky in the bathroom but managed to talk herself out of it she also has a few anxiety issues so that’s what that was I think and since Saturday the most she has walked is round her bed she said she got tired after her bath but didn’t go to sleep as she didn’t want to struggle to sleep at night..she’s eating well not full meals but cheese on toast or egg and soldiers things like that and getting through lots of bottles of flavoured water which can only be good for her

    You’re right we are nearly there…track and trace told her she was most infectious between the 7th and 11th oct which is almost 2 weeks ago and with her being 28 works and has a boyfriend drives a car we really don’t see her a lot but her boyfriend hasn’t come down with it either (touch wood)

    Our home pcr tests have arrived my son is at Uni today so we are going to do them tomorrow

    Thanks again for reading and replying to my post it really does help keep me focused x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: My daughter has tested positive for Covid 😞


    Hi Guys

    We got so close my daughters isolation ends Monday but my son has now tested positive

    I’m confused by so many things…he literally has been nowhere near her she has not left her room they both have used a upstairs toilet but it was sprayed with antibacterial spray by one or the other after every visit….we were sent the home pcr tests when my daughter tested positive I did his test on weds at the very same time I did a lateral flow test because I noticed his nose was a bit runny the lateral flow test was negative yet the pcr came back positive….

    He doesn’t seem to be too bad runny nose he said his head feels heavy like a head cold I think I am praying this is as bad as he gets because he has asthma it is very mild and well controlled but I’m scared all the same

    Then I’m thinking the likely hood of me and my husband getting it are now a bit higher and I’m scared about that too

    Then there’s work…I had to ring in today because my husband was at work I am my sons main carer and I couldn’t leave him I spoke to the manager I saw Sunday when I told her my daughter had tested positive I told her my son had tested positive and she said “it was your daughter the other day” that annoyed me a lot but I will speak to my manager when I go back but it adds to the worry of me getting it and needing time off

    Sorry to go on guys any thoughts? X

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: My daughter has tested positive for Covid 😞

    Quote Originally Posted by ScaredCaz View Post

    Hi Guys

    We got so close my daughters isolation ends Monday but my son has now tested positive

    I’m confused by so many things…he literally has been nowhere near her she has not left her room they both have used a upstairs toilet but it was sprayed with antibacterial spray by one or the other after every visit….we were sent the home pcr tests when my daughter tested positive I did his test on weds at the very same time I did a lateral flow test because I noticed his nose was a bit runny the lateral flow test was negative yet the pcr came back positive….

    He doesn’t seem to be too bad runny nose he said his head feels heavy like a head cold I think I am praying this is as bad as he gets because he has asthma it is very mild and well controlled but I’m scared all the same

    Then I’m thinking the likely hood of me and my husband getting it are now a bit higher and I’m scared about that too

    Then there’s work…I had to ring in today because my husband was at work I am my sons main carer and I couldn’t leave him I spoke to the manager I saw Sunday when I told her my daughter had tested positive I told her my son had tested positive and she said “it was your daughter the other day” that annoyed me a lot but I will speak to my manager when I go back but it adds to the worry of me getting it and needing time off

    Sorry to go on guys any thoughts? X
    Sounds like your work are living in cloud cuckoo land and totally naïve about the Covid situation right now.

    Anyway, wishing your son a speedy recovery in the meantime.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: My daughter has tested positive for Covid 😞

    Sorry you’re going through it all at the moment. I hope your son recovers quickly.
    Your work dealt with that very badly :(

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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