I was prescribed Quetiapine as a monotherapy to try to help "grasp my anxiety", which I have a problem with these types of medicines being prescribed alone for this purpose to begin with, but went ahead and tried it. I stopped after 3 days due to the rapid increase in my anxiety and the return of full blown panic attacks that I haven't had in a few years. I know with most medications, they can make things works before better, but this was on a whole different level to the point to I could not stand up and was stuttering my words and not making sense when I was speaking. I almost would describe it is a type of mania when I have never had that before and only diagnosed for the last 20 years as having GAD/Panic Disorder. I could be way off on the mania description, but never have experienced it, it what I think of. My mind was racing so fast that I could not think nor even remember my own address. I also had to be up moving around and could not sit still. Restlessness to me doesn't do it justice.
I was only on 25mg for 3 days, but in those 3 days, it had a severe effect on me.
The main question is, even though it doesn't seem possible, can you have withdrawals from a medication that has such a short half life after just a short period of time?
I had not looked at withdrawal side effects and did not know of any, but the first day that I missed it, I had severe stomach pain (not upset stomach, but just pain) and also muscle tightness that was to the point I could barely move my arms. These only lasted for a day or two, but I am still having the "withdrawaly feeling" in my head days later. Anyone that has every stopped a medication knows the feeling I am talking about in your head.
When I started feeling these, I did look up the withdrawal symptoms and found these were common. This is the 25th psychiatric medication I have tried and had to come off of due various reason and I am getting fed up with the "throw a pill at you and see what sticks" non-scientific method that most Pdocs use. I know it is not an exact science and when they say they "practice medicine", they MEAN IT! I understand that I am odd case in the what has worked and the vast majority that hasn't worked when it comes to medications, but I can't be the only one that has a type of medication resistant anxiety problem and have been through many different types of therapy and still can not get ahold of it.
I will add that I was on Remeron before that with the same effects, just took longer for it to happen and stopped it about 2-3 weeks ago. I know they are different meds and in different classes, but both act as a super-antihistamine at lower doses. Could this be it? As in, I going through a second withdrawal due to starting a medication that acts alot like the first one?
Thank you for any answers and please say a prayer for me.