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Thread: Advice and help please.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Advice and help please.

    Hi , I have GAD and due to the way I was treated at work on several occasions I had a breakdown and had to go for the sake of my own MH ,it was getting dangerously near the stage where I started drinking again. I have applied for ESA via the CAB, but my metabolism seems to be up the creek ,I sleep all day and am awake at night , I also feel very isolated as I live on my own , and very very down as at 61 I don't want to spend the next fews years like this , any advice on what I could do nest would be appreciated to get back to some social contact ,there does not seem to be much support out there for sure .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Advice and help please.

    Are there any Mind groups in your area? You could see if they do any social/drop in sessions.

    I would also truly and get into a routine of being awake during the day - if you go for a walk during daylight you might see people to say hello to, plus getting a bit of sun might help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Advice and help please.

    Quote Originally Posted by Catkins View Post
    Are there any Mind groups in your area? You could see if they do any social/drop in sessions.

    I would also truly and get into a routine of being awake during the day - if you go for a walk during daylight you might see people to say hello to, plus getting a bit of sun might help.
    Thanks good advice , will try getting used to a awake during the day routine ,just low on energy .

    Had not really thought of mind ,also waiting to sort out my Employment and support allowance ,whilst my mind is bouncing around ,having had to walk away from the care home I worked in as I could no longer stand the way they spoke to staff ,which left me so depressed I just walked out to save my mental health . WE had 4 care home managers in two years ,none of them offering any mental health support sadly.

    I am still in the early stages at 61 of wondering wether I will be able to work again.

    But will try to keep positive .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2021

    Re: Advice and help please.

    Hi ,sorry to hear your struggling. I once read a book "Feel the fear and do it anyway" Susan Jeffers

    I found this helped . At 65 im going through a relapse so having to reach out for my old tools . I cant drink either ,6 years sober . I,m not one for walks . I found my old stash of books and I,m re-reading Claire weekes material.

    I threw the towel in at 60 and finished work because I was in a dead end security job after being made redundant from laboratory work .

    PS you should apply for PIP due to your condition whether you work or not .

    Wish you well
    Last edited by tham; 20-11-21 at 13:59. Reason: add text

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Advice and help please.

    Quote Originally Posted by tham View Post
    Hi ,sorry to hear your struggling. I once read a book "Feel the fear and do it anyway" Susan Jeffers

    I found this helped . At 65 im going through a relapse so having to reach out for my old tools . I cant drink either ,6 years sober . I,m not one for walks . I found my old stash of books and I,m re-reading Claire weekes material.

    I threw the towel in at 60 and finished work because I was in a dead end security job after being made redundant from laboratory work .

    PS you should apply for PIP due to your condition whether you work or not .

    Wish you well
    Thanks very much for your reply and a link to the book will look it up.

    I too am reaching out after relapsing ,I am still in touch with people I met through my recovery counselling.

    Also I was retired off early in the NHS dues to depression and Anxiety disorder and could not cope , 6 months later I took a job in social care after feeling I would get treated well there as they could not get staff.

    How wrong I was we had 4 care home managers and 3 regional managers in the two years I was there ,we were bullied into doing more shifts ,admonished in front of colleagues and had all our annual leave pre booked for us, in the end after feeling threatened by one of the managers I left in floods of tears ,they did not even care enough to contact me to find out if I was ok.

    I loved the old people ,but managers had no respect for staff ,turnover was horrendous.

    I am 62 next year so think I may well pack it in ,at the moment I am on employment and support allowance,and the CAB have advised me to put in for PIP also.

    Your story connects with me as we are basically the same age , and its nice to hear there are others out there , Thanks very much for replying take care .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Advice and help please.

    Have you looked into the Richmond Fellowship, Richard? They are a charity helping people with MH issues to find either voluntary or paid work with companies who are sympathetic to the problems we can face. They provide support in the job too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Advice and help please.

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Have you looked into the Richmond Fellowship, Richard? They are a charity helping people with MH issues to find either voluntary or paid work with companies who are sympathetic to the problems we can face. They provide support in the job too.
    Hi pullisa, thanks I have never heard of the Richmond Fellowship , its lovely to hear there are organisations that will support us and there are companies that are sympathetic to the problems we can face ,will check them out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2021

    Re: Advice and help please.

    I loved going to SMART meetings before the virus came . It consisted of group talking lead by a recovering addict . After the meeting a meal was available in the building ( church hall) for a small charge to cover the cost . I am by nature reserved and shy but was able to open up with people in this setting . Its very reasuring to be among those who have walked the walk . There was also bike building/fixing and gardening if you wished to join this part but without the group setting . I so miss my Teusday meetings .
    Alcohol was my poison with Diazepam for getting off binges . Thankfully after a lot of hard work and professional help I am free from drink and benzos .

    We are stronger than we think.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Advice and help please.

    Ask your GP about social prescribing. It's an alternative intervention that helps to get you out and about. Local walking, gardening, lots of stuff. Perhaps also worth googling social prescribing for your area?
    Outside a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
    Inside a dog, it's too dark to read.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Advice and help please.

    Quote Originally Posted by apm View Post
    Ask your GP about social prescribing. It's an alternative intervention that helps to get you out and about. Local walking, gardening, lots of stuff. Perhaps also worth googling social prescribing for your area?
    Yes I have just seen a social proscriber who has applied for a disabled bus pass for me ,and who is going to keep in contact with me for the next few weeks ,and I have just had a medicine review organised by them and am now on Mirtazapine , thanks .

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