I am totally freaking out. Rabies is my number one HA fear besides maybe cancer. I have a huge fear of bats because of it. On Tuesday I was out taking my dog for a walk and it was dark outside. I was standing in a flood light by a small grove of trees at my apartment complex when all the sudden I feel something bump against my neck and then left shoulder. I freaked out and looked around but couldn't see anything.

I went back to my apartment where I checked my skin but there wasn't any visible mark I could make out. Of course, I gave into the anxiety and started googling, and found an article of a man dying after a bat flew into his hand without any visible bite or scratch. So that just made me spiral.

And to make things worse, today my arm left arm started feeling weak at work, I'm shaking and clammy. So now I think I am dying and there's no help for me.

I received postexposure prophylaxis for rabies in 2018 after a similar freak-out but without any sort of possible contact. I want to think it was just a leaf that hit me since it is autumn and I was under some trees, but it just felt heavy.

I'm really disappointed in myself because I've have been doing so well with ERP and haven't had any sort of panic attack since I started a new medication. Am I overthinking things? Are my symptoms in my head?