Hi , after a few years of only mild anxiety symptoms I am back on NMP . I cant remember my previous username or email but i was a member for a long time about 2010 -17 .
Due to too much stress with family issues I have slipped back into having night panics and many symptoms during the day .
Im back into the phsyciatric system and because I have tried lots of SSRI SNRI meds and couldnt stand the side effects my phsychiatrist has prescribed Pregabalin 300mg twice a day and it is working well .

Im 64 now and developed osteoathritis in my knees which is depressing me as I cant do the things I used to do , at least not so good but manage some things . I,m double vacinated for covid and get the booster next week but like probably most of you it has affected my mental health .

This is a brief description of whats going on . More like a hello to you all and glad to be with you to share .