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Thread: New on Propranodol.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    New on Propranodol.

    I suffer from Generalised Anxiety Disorder and have tried Citalopram twice in past that helped me when anxiety got difficult to cope with but when went on it this time, it spiked my existing tinittus so had to stop. Tried Mertazapene and although helped had the same effect.
    I have been in hospital for the last 4 weeks having treatment for an unrelated issue and asked the pych team in hospital to see me. After explaining the situation they started me on Propranolol as less chance of that affecting my tinittus.

    From what I understand Propranolol is given alongside a antidepressant like SSRI as Propranolol doesn't stop the racing thoughts etc but the physical side of anxiety i.e. the racing heart and adrenalin rushes and is it only usually given for a short term as it difficult to come off it?

    I have been on it 2 weeks now at 10mg twice a day. I noticed my resting heart rate went from around 80 to 60 ( they monitor BP and heart rate regularly in hospital!). I also feel much much more tired and spaced out. I was feeling spaced out a lot before taking it but it feels stronger now and last few days have had no emotions. I feel empty no fear, happiness or anything. Its like my brain in "safe mode". Is this usual to feel this spaced out emotionless and tired on Propranolol even on a low dose and is this usually a short term side effect?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: New on Propranodol.

    I've had propanolol before for a short while to help with the physical symptoms of anxiety. I did feel it helped me, I'm not an expert on it however. How you're feeling now could be due to starting taking it or it could be related to your current circumstances and you're experiencing some DP/DR..

    I'm sorry that's not much help, I just didn't want you to think noone had read your post.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: New on Propranodol.

    Quote Originally Posted by StressedEric View Post
    From what I understand Propranolol is given alongside a antidepressant like SSRI as Propranolol doesn't stop the racing thoughts etc but the physical side of anxiety i.e. the racing heart and adrenalin rushes and is it only usually given for a short term as it difficult to come off it?
    Yes, propranalol directly works only on the physical manifestations of anxiety, not thoughts, however, that can have psychological benefits too. Beta-blockers (BBs) don't trigger dependence the way benzodiazepines do. Many people with cardiovascular disease are on them for years. However, they may need to be weaned off to reduce the risk of rebound spikes in blood pressure, however, 10mg twice a day is a low dose so you may not have too. Please discuss that with your GP before quitting.

    I have been on it 2 weeks now at 10mg twice a day. I noticed my resting heart rate went from around 80 to 60 ( they monitor BP and heart rate regularly in hospital!). I also feel much much more tired and spaced out.
    These symptoms are fairly typical. Beta-blockers block adrenaline activity and this is not just a flight-or-fight hormone. It has many uses in the body all of which may be affected by BBs.

    I was feeling spaced out a lot before taking it but it feels stronger now and last few days have had no emotions. I feel empty no fear, happiness or anything. Its like my brain in "safe mode". Is this usual to feel this spaced out emotionless and tired on Propranolol even on a low dose and is this usually a short term side effect?
    I can't say whether these will be short, or long term side-effects. That is something only time will reveal. Changing to another BB may give you the same positive results with fewer of the negatives.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: New on Propranodol.

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Yes, propranalol directly works only on the physical manifestations of anxiety, not thoughts, however, that can have psychological benefits too. Beta-blockers (BBs) don't trigger dependence the way benzodiazepines do. Many people with cardiovascular disease are on them for years. However, they may need to be weaned off to reduce the risk of rebound spikes in blood pressure, however, 10mg twice a day is a low dose so you may not have too. Please discuss that with your GP before quitting.

    These symptoms are fairly typical. Beta-blockers block adrenaline activity and this is not just a flight-or-fight hormone. It has many uses in the body all of which may be affected by BBs.

    I can't say whether these will be short, or long term side-effects. That is something only time will reveal. Changing to another BB may give you the same positive results with fewer of the negatives.
    I am taking one 10mg tablet in morning around 9am and one 10mg tablet at bedtime around 9pm. I understand now that the half life of propanadol is 6hours so is time between doses too long and should I query this with nurse? By the way I am currently in hospital being treated for something other than my anxiety and was put on regular propanadol dose for anxiety 3 weeks ago after a visit from the pych team at hospital. I already had boxes of 10mg tablets of the drug from my gp to use occasionally which was prescribed before I came into hospital. The nurses in hospital have been giving me these. I don't think these tablets are slow release.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: New on Propranodol.

    I've taken propranolol several times for various things from headache to anxiety to migraine aura.

    A piece of advice: request slow-release tablets, as I've found these don't mess with my system the way the normal ones do.
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    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: New on Propranodol.

    Quote Originally Posted by StressedEric View Post
    I am taking one 10mg tablet in morning around 9am and one 10mg tablet at bedtime around 9pm. I understand now that the half life of propanadol is 6hours so is time between doses too long
    Immediate-release propranolol has a plasma half-life of 3-6 hours, but its active metabolite, 4-OH propranolol, with a half-life of 5-7.5 hours, may extend that by some hours. The sustained-release version extends its activity to about 11-12 hours. The recommended dose range for anxiety is 40mg 1-3 times a day, but that is variable depending on individual metabolism and what other medications are being taken.

    and should I query this with nurse?
    Depends on whether it is working well enough or not. There is no point taking a med at ineffective doses, but otoh taking more than is needed is also not a good thing, especially if there are other medical issues.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  7. #7

    Re: New on Propranodol.

    Quote Originally Posted by StressedEric View Post
    From what I understand Propranolol is given alongside a antidepressant like SSRI as Propranolol doesn't stop the racing thoughts etc but the physical side of anxiety i.e. the racing heart and adrenalin rushes and is it only usually given for a short term as it difficult to come off it?
    Yes, Propranolol is a bit like a painkiller - it affects how your brain deals with the pain, it doesn't mean the pain isn't there.

    So if you have issues, the issues are still there but Propranolol deals with them for you.

    I have 10mg tablets but I find I need to stagger about 6 of them over about 45 minutes before the situation that is going to cause me grief.

    Your mileage might vary but Propranolol *does* work.

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