It's the first icy morning of the year and I'm so terrified I could vomit. Worse, I'm going out after work tonight, and while I know that temperatures are going to be rising I'm still privately convinced that every road in my city is covered in lethal black ice and that I'm going to fall and break something, possibly fatally.

Mr Iris has been lovely and swept the external stairs last night, and I have a good pair of walking boots that will probably keep me safe on the hundred yards I have to walk to the bus stop; the bus stops directly outside my workplace where all the surfaces will have been gritted. I am being utterly ridiculous.

Worse (kind of) I've had a violent upset stomach and headaches since I became aware snow was a possibility. I'm blaming it on things I ate or possibly a bug, but... yeah, I know what it likely is. I really don't want to be this gassy at the cinema with my friend tonight.

So, basically... argh. Fed up.