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Thread: My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer and I don't Know How To Cope...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer and I don't Know How To Cope...

    I've been a long sufferer of health anxiety and depression and the last couple months have been rough to say the least. I know to some, animals are not something to get upset about, or deeply affected by, but I'm a huge animal lover and they are family to me. 1st November, we lost one of our cats, who had been fighting a rare blood disorder, and kept losing weight until he couldn't eat anymore, and then we had to have him put to sleep. That was really hard, as it had been about 4 years since my last animal had died. I have 3 dogs and 4 cats now, and my Samoyed Husky/Golden Retriever cross was just diagnosed with cancer.

    Back in October, I noticed his glands under his neck were swollen, like 2 golf balls. So, he was booked in for a biopsy, and one in his groin too. Stress of waiting for that, then finding out it was inconclusive. Then the stress of him having to have another one (just his neck this time), and coming back yesterday as having cancer.

    The vet said about Chemotherapy but it would be stressful him having to come in for bloods, and other things maybe up to twice a week. And he hates the vets, he gets stressed, upset and it disrupts his routine which he likes a lot. So the vet said if it were her dog, she would do palliative, which is what we chose, and he is on Prednicortone for pain relief and to reduce the lumps a little.

    Their was no cancer found in the groin lumps, and she said they had shrunk by half which surprised her. So I don't know what to make of that, especially with how large the lumps on his neck are. I'm in a lot of shock at the moment, and I'm bursting out crying at random times, and I'm trying not too so he doesn't sense my distress or that something is wrong.

    He doesn't like to be moddle coddled, he is very much a alpha dog, likes doing his own thing, doesn't like fussing, hates anything out of the ordinary, loves walking and meeting new dogs and running, Running and running and eating. He loves his food.

    I don't know what I'm trying to ask, or if I'm asking at all. Maybe if anyone has had experience with this, or what may help him. The vet said the chemo would only give him maybe 6 months, but because how much it stressed him out going to the vets, how much it takes to just get him inside a vets as well, was too stressful for him and it may only give him 6 months, but it would be 6 months of constant chemo and coming in every week or twice. On palliative, they said hopefully get him over the Christmas, but that they will give us supplements and probiotics and any other injections he needs without him having to come in often just to help when the medication isn't enough and it comes to that time.

    I'm feeling really overwhelmed after just losing our cat a month ago, and now this. I'm trying my best to looks up things to help, like Milk Thistle, low carb/no sugar high protein and omega fatty acid food for him to eat. Bringing him for a different walk everyday, letting him enjoy long walks at the sea, forest, parks, etc. I just feel like I should be doing more.

    Sorry, I just wanted to write this out somewhere as I really have no one to speak to about this except my mum really. My dad doesn't care, he's not an animal man, he's very cold and cut off from these types of things. It doesn't effect him basically, so its non-existent trying to get comfort or advise from him.

    I just want more time with my dog, him to have more time at least, that even with palliative, he may get longer than the vet said...I'm just trying to cling on desparately for him. He's only 8 years old.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer and I don't Know How To Cope...

    It won't help doggy :( but have a big virtual hug from me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer and I don't Know How To Cope...

    Sorry Mischa, I have no advice but just wanted to send a virtual hug.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer and I don't Know How To Cope...

    It's okay, and thank you!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer and I don't Know How To Cope...

    I know, it's okay, and thanks Scass! It's probably just my brain trying to process the situation

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer and I don't Know How To Cope...

    It's horrible news, Mischa but I think you are doing the right thing. Give him quality of life over quantity any day. Chemo would be aggressive and would ultimately make his life miserable and highly stressful. Focus on what he loves and you will know when he has had enough.

    You sound like a wonderfully loving owner who only has his best interests at heart. Your vet sounds caring and decent too. You do what keeps him happy and comfortable and this will involve the vet's recommendations too re pain relief. Your main aim will be to keep him out of pain and able to do what he loves best.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer and I don't Know How To Cope...

    Thanks Pulisa. I'm just hoping to give him enough time to enjoy his life, and be pain free above all else. Keeping to his routine, nothing too stressful and good food and comfort. He only started the Prednicortone today, so it will take a couple days to kick in, and has just finished antiobiotics for an infection, so he's a little stressed at the moment. Thankfully, our vet is 5 mins away for anything, and if we need to change pain relief. She's also giving us supplements and dietery ideas to help as well. She said the medicine should reduce the lumps a little, to allow at least a little more comfort. As I said, its just my brain trying to process the information I've been given. Thanks again Pulisa

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer and I don't Know How To Cope...

    The steroids will certainly help but you will know if he is struggling so it's reassuring that your vet is close at hand and keen to help in any way she can.

    I'm so sorry, Mischa. It's a horrible shock for you to process but I know you'll give looking after him your all

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer and I don't Know How To Cope...

    I am so sorry.

    Having health anxiety and a dog who has had his share of health problems (and very poor, inbred genes) I fear this one day - but I decided long ago that if it ever happened I wouldn't do chemo either. My boy is also very nervous at the vets - he hates strangers and has high anxiety anyway - and putting him in that stressful position for a few more months wouldn't be kind. You are making the right choice, even if it is incredibly painful.

    Now, just live it up. Lots of treats and yummy dinners and walks and playtime. They are never with us long enough, but I'm sure your boy knows you love him very much.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer and I don't Know How To Cope...

    Yeah, I agree with the others. Part of doing your best, what is best for him, is weighing up time vs quality of life. It's natural to want both and for him to be with you for many years to come. Sadly you've got a choice to confront and I would be thinking the same. I wouldn't want to see my dog suffering. That moment might come when they look at you for help to stop their suffering. But pain relief can make such a difference to them and restore their normal routine.
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