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Thread: Hi, looking for a natter with anybody suffering with or who has beaten agoraphobia

  1. #1

    Hi, looking for a natter with anybody suffering with or who has beaten agoraphobia

    Hi, Im Steve, in my 40's from Uk. Ive been agoraphobic for knocking on 10 years now. I really need to get out of this rut so thought Id see if I could connect with other people either in the same boat or ideally who have beaten it for a good old natter!

    Hopefully speak soon!

  2. #2

    Re: Hi, looking for a natter with anybody suffering with or who has beaten agoraphobi

    Hi Steve,

    I was completely house-bound for a large number of years - I wouldn't even leave my bedroom at one point or even answer the telephone. My life was so Horrendously garbage, but I struggled on with some glimmer of hope for a better future. And you know what mate? It was worth it! With the exception of really bad days - today being one of those crap days - I go out pretty much everyday. I've managed to get on trains; ride on busses; I actually like going for walks down by the river or through the woods; and I love to get out cycling. So, it is possible to beat it. I am living proof.

    Is it easy? The simple answer is no. But you already knew that didn't you?

    On the other hand, how you do it is extremely simple. You get the idea in your head that you can and let that simmer for a while. Even the thought of that will make you anxious but it's your first step to a better life. So visualize yourself outdoors on a warm summer day - or even a snowy winter one - but do so a little at a time. Don't let anyone push you to fast or to far because that is a rookie mistake. I've already dropped that clanger for you. Tomorrow maybe a good day to start, but it's up to you to take that first step.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Hi, looking for a natter with anybody suffering with or who has beaten agoraphobi

    (Just butting in here - to say FAB post AnxiousMancunian)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Hi, looking for a natter with anybody suffering with or who has beaten agoraphobi

    I agree! It's a great post. Such a huge achievement too.

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