Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
All of this is irrational, Chloe..

People do get sick but there's a LOT that doctors (and medicine) can do (not to mention our own mentality in terms of lowering our stress levels, therefore decreasing pain and enabling healing)

Also, getting sick doesn't mean that we will die from whatever it is that we have. The reality is the opposite. Generally we get sick and don't die. All three of my sons had life threatening illnesses/conditions as kids; none died. My brother wasn't supposed to live past ten years of age; he's in his 60s now. The NHS saved my life and my mum's. They did their best to help my dad but HE had left it too late to get help because he avoided going to the doctors. They were able to help with his pain though and he passed peacefully. It's irrational to say that 'there's nothing anyone can do'. Even with terminally ill people, doctors can do a lot to alleviate pain. My FIL and friend were terminally ill too and their pain was well managed. Both passed peacefully, and there's a lot to be said for a peaceful death. All your fears come from your imagination, rather than information and by that I mean not the kind that comes from Googling symptoms..

Death isn't the unknown; it's going to happen and to all of us. The unknown is when and how. The alternative is that nobody ever died and the planet would soon become overcrowded with every resource exhausted and we would die out as a species. We were only ever meant to be here for a short time (short in terms of the age of the planet) and we've already beaten the odds by being faster than all the other sperms. You fought to be here. We all did. And we did it without fear..

Again, not everybody dies from cancer.. (and survival rates are improving all the time)

The life that you fought to have is being wasted by your irrational fears. Nobody is to blame for this but you. It's too easy to keep on saying, 'I can't, it's too hard'. You've yet to put the work in...

You won't even try your medication. I have multiple chemical sensitivity but I at least try. So I have to ask... what scares you more? Feeling worse, or feeling better?
I agree, gutting isn’t it? When you
Sit and think about the years that have gone past where you were convinced you had some awful disease. Spent your days crying, running to the doctors and all for nothing.
It’s a kick in the stomach really.

It’s one question that I was asked in CBT once. Do you think if you get sick it’ll be incurable? Would you survive it. I always answer negatively on these questions. I took my 8yr old for a hospital appointment on Tuesday, it took all my strength to deal with sitting there in the hospital. Not because I was worried about my daughter she had a routine appointment for some hormone tests. But because I was in a hospital my anxiety shot up, I sat chatting and laughing with my daughter while inside I was screaming get me out of this hellish place. I just want to be able to do these things without fear.