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Thread: how long can ectopic beats go on for?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    how long can ectopic beats go on for?

    Hi all,
    I posted a few weeks ago about ectopic beats and stress etc. This weekend, I have basically had them since Saturday night, its now Mon morning, and they're still going. I went to the out of hours docs last night, where they did two ecg's, both showing an irregular beat. They were faxed to the cardiologist on call at our local major hospital, and he phoned back saying, yes, there was something showing up, but it was nothing he felt warranted further intervention or treatment. He recommended a blood test for thyroid problems which I have booked for this week.
    My it possible to have ectopic beats for so long? I have only ever really had brief episodes of them before. Should I be concerned that they don't seem to be letting up, or am I being my own worst enemy in thinking about them?!Am I making them continue?
    Thanks guys, Amber x

  2. #2
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    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: how long can ectopic beats go on for?


    I was checked as well - had to wear a tape for 24 hrs (twice!). They also said nothing that warranted investigation altho i do have a leaky heart valve.

    Yes worrying will make them worse but as my doc told me, they feel nasty but wont kill u. Bit like panic attacks really!

    I was told that if they are very bad for more than a couple of hrs, I should go to the hospital just to make sure. Generally they are in fits and starts but can seem continuous even tho they are not.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: how long can ectopic beats go on for?

    I have had ectopic heartbeats for over 20years!! I never have a day without them and on good days I only notice them for a minute or so at a time but I can have them every 3rd beat for weeks on end and its not nice at all. I have a 24 hr ecga every two to three years just to calm me down that nothing has changed and had an echo to check heart valves etc.

    I have never ever found out what triggers them at their worst. Caffeine doesn't as I can cut out all caffeine for months and have them really bad then drink a cup of coffee a day and they are good ( which means as I said above only noticing thema few times a day). One thing that does trigger them is eating in late afternoon????????? no sense in it but it does trigger them off really bad for rest of day.

    I only get them when my heartbeat is normal or slower than normal especially at rest. When I am even slightly nervous my heartbeat straight away shoots up to 120bpm but guess what no ectopics.

    It seems that my heart is very sensitive to stress hormones.

    do other people with ectopics find they also have fast heartrate when anxious??

  4. #4

    Re: how long can ectopic beats go on for?


    I've suffered from missed heartbeats for over 20 years since my teens and I HATE them!! I've had a couple of occasions where they have gone on all day for a couple of days but usually they happen just a few times a day.

    I hate anything to do with my heart, it racing, missing beats etc. I don't drink, don't smoke, don't have caffeine but I do get stressed and anxious which makes them happen I think. I seem to get them before my period and if I want to burp!!! Have you been prescribed anything like beta blokers?

    I have to admit that I just try and avoid any situations that make me anxious which I know you shouldn't do!!

    I can so relate to how you feel and have to say that I let them rule my life.

    One thing that I did try was a complete change of diet. I cut out all processed food and it didn't have any for 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I like chocolate too much!

    Don't despair. They will go away although I know that's probably not much consolation to you at the moment.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: how long can ectopic beats go on for?

    Thanks for your replies. Yesterday afternoon, I made a concerted effort to calm down, and took a long hot bath with lavender oil and candles, and gave my children strict instructions to leave me alone for an hour!! (Impossible usually, someone always needs a wee when I'm in the bath). I felt really rested afterwards, had a gin and tonic and chilled out in front of the tv. They stopped.....Have had none since. Hmmm.....
    I think I answered my own question. Calm down!!
    My GP has given me some propanolol if I need them, but I am not a good medicine person, tend to react quite strongly to anything. Perhaps my body is just on a heightened state of alert?
    Thanks for the replies anyway, feels better just knowing I'm not alone.
    A x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: how long can ectopic beats go on for?


    What do yours feel like!?
    I woke up this morning with what felt like someone punching me from the inside out! It went on for four hours happening every 10 secs. My heart would do this punching thing, followed by it racing...then it slowed down and then raced up again. I called the doctor and had to go down there for an ECG. I am now being refered for "further investigation".



    Panic attacks started in 1992. 1998 i became agoraphobic which lead into being room bound. Couldn't even get upstairs. 2002 i started getting better, able to drive and work. 2005 i became house bound again. 2009 i have been making SLOW progress, still not able to go anywhere alone, but my journeys are getting longer. No where near 'normal' but at least i can go out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: how long can ectopic beats go on for?


    I have been getting these missed heartbeats etc for years too, mostly when I need a kip.... I find that after two hours kip they disappear! Wonder why?

    My heart also does a slight punchy feely thing when it misses the beat. Then it will miss beats randomly for a while until I have a sleep.

    My Doctor (and the hospital) said it is nothing to be concerned about and that it is my AGE!

    The DSS expect me to go to work but how do I manage a full time job when I need sleep so often to function normally??
    Last edited by peoplelikeus; 21-11-07 at 11:00. Reason: missed a bit out
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  8. #8

    Re: how long can ectopic beats go on for?

    Quote Originally Posted by countrygirl View Post
    do other people with ectopics find they also have fast heartrate when anxious??
    Yes I do...not always at the same time and they can be independent of each other.

  9. #9

    Re: how long can ectopic beats go on for?

    Hi, I have had ectopic beats for many years, and today I had one that went on for a much longer time than normal and it really scared me. When the normal beat finally kicked back in I was very shaky all over and it took me awhile to recover from the experience. I called my naturopath (who is amazing) immediately and he suggested to take kelp tablets 1400 mg 1 a day. Iodine in kelp helps keep the thyroid healthy which regulates heartbeat. I have been doing that today and so far no similar experience. It was a good reminder to slow down as I have a tendency to rush all the time and get stressed and anxious so maybe it was just my body reminding me that nothing in life is worth stressing about. It's such a horrible feeling I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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