10 years ago i had a bad time, coping with my enxiety. I had heart paliptations which turned into feeling dizzy, like i am on a cloud, floating sensation, weird feeling in my leg, ect. Neuro said i was fine and i just stopped worrying. I remember her saying "im 99% convinced u don't have MS". It was enough for me, since i havent been myself for over a year then. Started exercising, eating well and i was A OK, for a several years...
But a few months ago (in october) i felt weird sensation, tingling of some sort in the ball of my foot. It wasn't constant, but it was there. It went away and came back. I saw a doctor, she sent me to foot MRI...all clear. But my worries or...uknown desease made me feel worse...i get new symptoms every day. My muscles are twitching all over my body, my elbow nerve is twitching right when u feel the bone in elbow, my fingers are twithincg, my under lip/chin area is twitching, i feel random tingling here and there (index finger, pinky finger, leg, heel, shoulder, under knee....comes and goes in 3 seconds). It has been worse since i booked an MRI (head) appointment. I had it done yesterday and now i'm panicin about the resulsts. I feel so awkward, slow, my mind is foggy, i feel clumzy and not coordinated. For a few days around christmas i felt like i was drunk, not being able to walk in a straight line.
I saw a neuro again, she said all is good (reflexes ok, coordination,...).
I am so scared...tense...i cannot think straight. I am afraid this is MS. And i cannot cope...i am terrified. And i really dont thinj that this is just anxiety. I have 2 small kids and i am so scared...