Last year I went through the mill a bit with my digestion which I wrote about on another post. Long story short, I was having daily very loose stool, bit like paste (sorry) for about 3-4 weeks. Went through very stressful time with GP and the hospital etc who were urging me to have a colonoscopy. Only I didn’t as I eventually forked out for a private consult who suggested it was okay to wait and see as I didn’t have any flag symptoms. The only symptom was the stool consistency.
also at this point everything started getting better and pretty much the whole of December was absolutely normal.
however, it’s started again. The last week my stool has gone back to the pasty consistency (sometimes very loose, sometimes a bit more formed) and also, I seem to be passing my breakfast mid afternoon. If I have an apple at about 8am, it’s coming out pretty much untouched about 2ish. the rest of my meals don’t move that fast.
i eat well (but a bit limited..I was going low fibre as that seemed to help)I’ve been taking lemon balm which definitely helped with the extreme anxiety I experience, and a bromelain supplement as that apparently helps with inflammation. All these I began in November and everything gut wise seemed to mend within days.
my only real symptom is the stool consistency and rapid transit. I’m essentially regular, no blood (that’s visible) no pains other than the odd, occasional stomach twinge or a little around ribs. Appetite fine, no fever, weight loss etc etc.
should mention I’m autistic, 49, male and long history of extreme anxiety (HA predominately) have also begun exercising again as very unfit. This has coincided a bit with stress and the beginning of exercise.
can anyone relate? Trying to keep anxiety in check but you guys know how hard it can be. I know I should go to the gp but the stress and anxiety of it is murder.