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Thread: Red itchy area on breast plus lump

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Red itchy area on breast plus lump

    After having an itchy boob a few days ago and scratching it a couple of times, I nipped to loo to check it and found largish red area on my right boob. The red area is slightly raised and my breast is a bit blotchy near by. The itching is driving me nuts but I decided to try to leave alone and give it 4-5 days to see if settles. Whole boob feels hot and prickly and achy.

    I have had this before and it did go away, although saw gp who sent me for mammogram too.

    Stupidly felt around last night to reassure myself that there was no lump and found one about an inch away. So now I know I need to see gp which is bound to mean referral in my experience. So anxious time coming up. Can’t make appt until Monday and then know I will be lucky to get through. Appts seem to be like gold dust at the mo.

    Trying not to spiral. It could be nothing. It is sensible to check it and if it is then it should be treatable. But still doesn’t stop this anxious feeling. Coupled with this I told my mum today (in her 80’s) who responded with ‘snap’. She too has found one and did not want to worry me! She had mastectomy about 4 years ago after finding cancerous lump and so has a 2 week referral given her history. Feel bad now being worried about me and now stressing about her too. She is so frail I am worried about her having to have operation. Lost my m-I-l this time last year suddenly and so this all is getting a bit much.

    Taking deep breaths and trying to tell myself to just deal with the facts and not to let my head run away with itself.

    Sorry for long post. It sometimes just helps to get it out.

    Love flump x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Red itchy area on breast plus lump

    Hi Flumpkin,

    Stupidly felt around last night to reassure myself that there was no lump and found one about an inch away.
    Thats not stupid to do a self examination, that is the sensible thing to do, so thats good that you did it !

    You've applied really good logic to the situation already, you know that most things referred to the clinic for are benign, you've had similar before and it has gone, but of course you will feel anxious - that is entirely understandable given the situation. You've also applied really good logic to the situation if it were to be something that needed treatment, so to some extent that will reduce the fear for you. I can't fault your thinking rationally about it all. BUT -

    Sometimes life throws us real bumm**s doesn't it, and I can see why it all feels too much for you right now. All I will say is that it will all resolve and information will be gained, its tough right now and overwhelming but that is because everything is in your head at once and the fear and uncertainty is consuming. In reality things happen small step by small step and there will be clarity gained through the coming weeks, so at the moment you just need to hang on in there with loads of distraction. I suspect very little will stop you worrying right now, as you have real life things that are concerning, but I didn't want to read and leave

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Red itchy area on breast plus lump

    Excellent advice as always from Carys.

    I'm so sorry that you have all this hanging over you but all you can do is ring the surgery on Monday and I'm pretty sure the GP will refer you there and then even if you just get a phone consult because that is what happens as you know..At least you won't have a long wait to be seen although I'm sure it will seem like an age.

    You are your Mum need facts now. You are being so sensible in dealing with what you have to deal with and resisting the urge to speculate/spiral. I'm sure you will find plenty of support on here so do post if it helps to get it all out? xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Red itchy area on breast plus lump

    Thank you both, it really does help to post. I can’t say much at home as daughter is away in the middle of her uni exams and husband is suffering with anxiety and depression (long term sufferer and currently exacerbated by the loss of his mum last year).

    My focus has totally switched to my mum at the moment. Her appt is 3rd Feb so not too long to wait (although it is going to feel like ages). Doubt they will let me in with her but going to ask when I hopefully see the dr this week to see if I can go in as a carer as she is a little unsteady and doesn’t hear too well.

    Thanks again
    Flump x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Red itchy area on breast plus lump

    It's perfectly reasonable to ask to accompany her and I'm sure the consultant would be grateful for your attendance too. Then you will be able to hear for yourself what is decided.

    I know what it's like not to be able to talk about your fears at home and it must be especially difficult coping with your husband's MH issues when you are under the cosh yourself. Get on the phone first thing tomorrow and explain your need for an urgent appointment? In my experience breast issues are prioritised and you won't be fobbed off with a 3 week wait.

    The waiting is the worst thing. Your mum is lucky to have such a loving and supportive daughter but look after your own mental health too? Don't take on too much and try to stand back from your husband's issues because you have more than enough to deal with already xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Red itchy area on breast plus lump

    I hope you are able to get through to the GP today and can get some reassurance for yourself x

  7. #7

    Re: Red itchy area on breast plus lump

    Hope you’re ok Flumpkin. I had a rash on my breast too, different situation but I think we see something that looks red and angry and our minds jump to the worst. Mine turned out to be totally innocuous and I hope yours does too, likewise the lump (I’m sure you know but the stats for it being benign are in your favour).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Red itchy area on breast plus lump

    Thanks all.

    I called GP and they fitted me in today (new policy with breast lumps apparently). The doctor says he agrees there is something but describes it more as a thickening and hardening of tissue which needs investigation. I am really lucky as I have private medical cover through work so have managed to get an appt for tomorrow evening. Obviously very nervous but at least my wait is short! My boob is really sore and feels much fuller but not sure if this is him prodding or me being focussed on it or genuinely an issue. My red mark has gone pretty much. I have had a bit of a wobble which is silly as I wanted referring to check it but the dr agreeing there is something and saying a thickening and hardening has upset me and made me panic a bit. He was also putting it through as a 2 week referral which I think is urgent? Same as my mum. Which makes me think he is concerned. I know I am overthinking but roll on tomorrow. In other news it has totally taken my mind off MOT day … garage called and I had totally forgotten I had taken it in!

    Thank you for taking time to respond, it helps!

    Love flump xx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Red itchy area on breast plus lump


    The two week referal isn't 'urgent' perse, it just means that they can 'feel something definite' in their manual exam that you have highlighted, most likely benign but no way of knowing without the equipment and specialism of the clinic. Bear with me, trying to describe this - the majority of referrals apear to be on the 2 weeks NICE recommendation , as they always err on the side of caution (because of course for a minority it could be something) and its only those circumstances where they either haven't felt anything, or there are no symptoms as such or by age and examination they deem risk to be practically non-existent, but are still required to refer as a woman has reported 'something'. I hope that makes sense. ;/

    It is very lucky that you have the private cover and are seeing someone so quickly. This is the difficulty isn't it - you know you have to do something, you've done the safe thing and taken steps to be checked - but of course it makes you feel vulnerable and afraid. Its the same as many women report when going for their mammo screening, wanting to actually stuff their head in the sand but knowing that the point of early checks are to catch things early to make them effectively treatable, it can be an anxiety battle to get past that fear, so you've done really well to push on with it. In essence, its not the checks and tests which are the risk, but NOT having the tests and checks. Its hard to keep that thought in mind though when you just want to run away

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Red itchy area on breast plus lump

    Very glad you are seeing someone so quickly as at least you will have some more clarity come tomorrow evening and an idea as to whether you need any further tests. Not long to wait now. It's always horrible having to lay yourself open to tests and appointments but far better to have an expert assessment rather than to hold back and speculate. Also you have taken control of this and will have a plan of action if indeed one is needed so you should be proud of your positive approach today xx

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