I’ve always had skin worries. I have fair pinkish skin with spots and freckles. This spot that showed up on my wrist is freaking me out because it will not go away and it’s been a month and half. It started out as a round rough patch the size of a dime and scaled up. Now it’s flat, pink and looks like cigarette burn.

Derm said something you don’t say to someone with health anxiety. “We will try steroid cream for two months and it if it doesn’t go away we know it’s something more serious” He couldn’t really tell me what it was??? I did blood work on my own which came out normal. I don’t have any other eczema only occasional dermatitis on legs that goes away.

Anyone else has a persistent skin spot that ended up being harmless. I have to look at this ominous spot every day and I can’t shake the anxiety about it.

Any support woods be appreciated!