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Thread: Mom's issue triggering first time heart worries!

  1. #1
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    Jan 2017

    Mom's issue triggering first time heart worries!

    As a long-time health anxiety suffer, I've surprisingly thus far avoided worried about my heart! But, today is the day. These days my anxiety is almost entirely in check. Now and then something will pop up, but I can usually get it under control in a few days and back to normal. I'm hoping that's the case here, too.

    My mom called today to tell me that she was wearing a heart monitor this week because of some new palpitations (she also has a slightly enlarged heart and high blood pressure) and her doctor called her yesterday to say she was having some ventricular tachycardia episodes, which were "troubling." She also told me that her sister has a genetic condition that causes this, that I was no aware of until today. She'll be going for further tests later this week.

    I'm about to turn 39 and I'm in the worst shape of my life (225 pounds, no regular exercise, unbalanced diet). My resting heart rate sat around 75-80 today when I've taken it (I'm not a pulse taker - so I have no idea if that's my actual norm, if it's slightly elevated because I have a cold, or if it's slightly elevated because I'm thinking about it). What I do know is that my heart rate shoots up when I do even minimal activities. I've noticed this for quite a while, but don't think to actually take my pulse until today. If I stand up from the couch it flies up. Today I got up and walked to the kitchen, checked it, and it was 124. I decided to walk on my treadmill for 10 minutes (we just got one and I'm really hoping to start exercising). After that walk it was 148. I sat down and it went back down to 80 pretty quickly. It seems that when I'm up and walking around and doing normal things - getting dressed, showering, etc... it's ranged from 108-125. I know this isn't EXTREMELY bad, but also probably not great. I also don't really understand the difference between ventricular tachycardia and regular (sinus?) tachycardia from just moving around, etc... Does VT just happen spontaneously like while you're at rest? I do get palpitations sometimes, which I've also never worried about, but now I am! They don't happen often, but occasionally I'll just be sitting there, or laying down in bed, and it will feel like my heart is flopping around in my chest. I assumed these are "normal" palpitations.

    I'm not sure what the point of this post is except that I know SO many people struggle with heart fears and just wanted some consolation or good vibes. I'm worried about my mom and obviously redirecting that anxiety to me, as one does when they have anxiety. It's making me get flooded with the overwhelming feeling of how far I've let myself go health wise and how difficult it will be to get back in shape and if I've done permanent damage to my heart, etc...

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    Re: Mom's issue triggering first time heart worries!


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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Mom's issue triggering first time heart worries!

    Erin welcome to the not so fun world of heart HA. I’ve been here since i was 18 - I’m now about to turn 43. It’s a pretty miserable place to be so I wouldn’t recommend staying long if you can help it

    Jokes aside, I get how you feel. Our weight and stats are pretty similar. I started dieting last May and have lost a little over 100 lbs now. Unfortunately that gained me a shoddy gallbladder so that was removed yesterday lol. But - pre diet, my resting heart rate was in the high 80’s to low 90’s, always. I never had readings in the 70’s. My BP was also pretty consistently high - 140’s over 80’s. I had to put away the smar****ch because once again I’d start obsessing over readings and convince myself my heart was giving out every day.

    At the hospital yesterday I weighed in at 233. I’m 5’5”. I started last may at 341.8. My resting rate at the hospital was low 80’s, so still a little higher but I was so, so beyond nervous. First surgery and first experience with anesthesia, plus I refuse to take any drugs of any kind so there’s that lol. BP was 110 over 63. Normally my resting rate is in the 70’s now. It does go up when I get up and move around, and the daily walks I started taking before this gallbladder nightmare started, it averages in the 140’s. There are still times where the watch comes off and goes back in the drawer though because I know I have an unhealthy obsession with checking it.

    I guess moral is, diet and exercise really can have a positive effect on HR and BP. Logically I knew this but never really cared to do anything about it. It certainly wasn’t my reason for starting this last may but it’s been a nice benefit. I do also get occasional palps but much less since I changed my diet and eating habits.

  4. #4
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Mom's issue triggering first time heart worries!

    Thank you so much for your reply. I know I’m just overthinking and that what I need is to get in shape!! My BP is generally pretty good. The big thing is that my heart rate just shoots up with even limited movement - like getting up or walking around the house. This, I’m sure is me being out of shape!

    I had major surgery last year so I had an EKG as preop, and then obviously had no trouble through a 6 hour surgery. And ever time I go to my doctor, even for a small thing, she listens to my heart and takes my pulse and BP and has never said anything is wrong.

    I’m happy because my doctor just switched to a consierge service so those who stay with her practice will get 1.5 hour full wellness assessments. I’m looking forward to this in June to make a comprehensive plan for getting healthier!

    Also, amazing job with the weight loss!!

    I’m 5’10 and at my peak fitness before getting pregnant in 2013, I was 171. So I’m up 50+ pounds from my ideal weight. A lot, but not impossible!

  5. #5
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Mom's issue triggering first time heart worries!

    I just had surgery yesterday, gallbladder removal - fairly quick surgery overall but yeah I told myself literally the same thing - I must not have heart problems if I could get through the surgery and anesthesia and all that!! I really do think it’s in our heads mostly. That said anytime there’s the possibility of a genetic link in an illness it’s wise to mention to your doc, which is what it sounds like you’ll be doing at your wellness assessment! And yes, 50 lbs isn’t much at all! You can definitely do that!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Mom's issue triggering first time heart worries!

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post

    I'm about to turn 39 and I'm in the worst shape of my life (225 pounds, no regular exercise, unbalanced diet).
    You can change this.

    After that walk it was 148. I sat down and it went back down to 80 pretty quickly.
    Despite your lifestyle, that's a healthy recovery time.

    It seems that when I'm up and walking around and doing normal things - getting dressed, showering, etc... it's ranged from 108-125. I know this isn't EXTREMELY bad, but also probably not great.
    Why do you think that? You're moving around, your heart is (and should be) pumping faster. Stress will also push that heart rate up, and you are understandably stressed after that phone call with your mum, as anybody would be..

    I do get palpitations sometimes, which I've also never worried about, but now I am! They don't happen often, but occasionally I'll just be sitting there, or laying down in bed, and it will feel like my heart is flopping around in my chest. I assumed these are "normal" palpitations.
    Palpitations are common and mostly harmless. If you're concerned, see your GP.

    I'm worried about my mom and obviously redirecting that anxiety to me, as one does when they have anxiety. It's making me get flooded with the overwhelming feeling of how far I've let myself go health wise and how difficult it will be to get back in shape and if I've done permanent damage to my heart, etc...
    You have the awareness to understand what's happening here. This is your mum's story, not yours. You were fine re your heart before she called you and now you are hyper-focused on your own heart and in classic HA style you are experiencing fight or flight symptoms (because the stress response has been triggered) so those increased beats & palpitations (which haven't bothered you until now) means that you are now equating that to a dicky ticker. I've done exactly the same in my very long history of health anxiety and, as of today, my ticker is doing well and always has been, just running a little fast due to anxiety is all.

    At 39 it's a good idea to get yourself back into shape. When people say things start to decline after 40, they're not kidding. Our bodies put up with all sorts of crap from us, and they do a magnificent job for us but there comes a point when we need to give our bodies some care and become a co-pilot instead of a passenger. If you are concerned, see your doctor who will listen to your heart and reassure you. Once you've been checked out by a medical professional (we're not doctors on here) then you can get on with the task of looking after your mum and yourself..
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  7. #7
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Mom's issue triggering first time heart worries!

    Thank you for such a thorough reply, Nora! You're right, of course, on all of it! I just made an appointment to see my doctor next week to talk about weight loss strategies. It was much easier in years past before I was a mother and when I was making more money and had the funds to buy healthier food and more time to cook and work out. I've been trying for years to get back on track and constantly fail, so I think it's time to get some extra support!

    My mom is getting her echocardiogram today so she'll know what's going on soon. She also reminded me that I got an echo back when I was 18. That was the first time I ever had anxiety. It was a huge extreme and then settled down all the way up until my daughter was born more than 10 years later. But, at the time, after my first few panic attacks I freaked out about my heart and she sent me for the test to calm me down. I completely forgot! That showed my heart was totally normal. So, even if my aunt has this genetic condition, it would have been detected in me back then since it would have been there since birth. That did make me feel better.

    All my worries are mostly down to that feeling of dread at letting my health go. So, more motivation to get back on track!!

  8. #8
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Mom's issue triggering first time heart worries!

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post
    It was much easier in years past before I was a mother
    Mother's naturally put their children's wellbeing before their own but it is time to take better care of yourself now.

    She also reminded me that I got an echo back when I was 18. That was the first time I ever had anxiety. It was a huge extreme and then settled down all the way up until my daughter was born more than 10 years later. But, at the time, after my first few panic attacks I freaked out about my heart and she sent me for the test to calm me down. I completely forgot! That showed my heart was totally normal. So, even if my aunt has this genetic condition, it would have been detected in me back then since it would have been there since birth. That did make me feel better.
    Absolutely so hold onto that 'proof' because it's real.

    All my worries are mostly down to that feeling of dread at letting my health go. So, more motivation to get back on track!!
    This can all be rectified and you can have some fun with this. Getting fit doesn't have to be chore. I do Pilates and it helps me a lot. I was creaking about like an old barn door before I started doing the stretching.

    Speaking of which, time to drag out the yoga mat.

    I hope all goes well with your Mum's ECHO today.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  9. #9
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Mom's issue triggering first time heart worries!

    Thanks again, Nora. My mom's echo came out pretty good - the doctor does not suspect she has the genetic condition my aunt has but because it exists she'll send her for an MRI just to be sure.

    I had a bit of a setback last night/today. I started having palpitations last night, which I normally don't think much of, but then they didn't stop. And I think I got anxious and my lungs were already tight because of allergies and I started to hyperventilate and it was just no good. I managed to go to sleep and had a perfectly good night's sleep, but when I woke up the palpitations were still there - an almost constant fluttery feeling.

    So, I called my doctor. She's out, so I was able to get in to see a covering doctor and she did an EKG and examined me. The EKG was almost entirely normal - there was one area with slightly inverted T waves where there shouldn't be, but she was able to compare to my previous one (that I had to get before surgery last year) and it looked the same. She felt the skips when she took my pulse and said they were normal skips. She sent me for blood work to check routine things and also thyroid.

    The skips have still not entirely gone. They are worse when I'm sitting or laying and sometimes I get a deep shutter.

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