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Thread: Sinusitis one sided worries- plus lump on roof of mouth

  1. #1

    Sinusitis one sided worries- plus lump on roof of mouth

    I will preface this by saying I’m an old hand at HA. I’ve dealt with periods of Health anxiety since I was only 7 (and am the daughter of a hypochondriac) so I am aware I will likely be approaching things illogically here.

    To the current problem: I have noticed that for the past few months my left nasal passage is quite congested and blocked. I first became aware of this when doing covid rapid antigen tests as I cannot even get the nasal swab past 1cm on the left, and it feels very painful when attempting/like something is physically blocking the passage (the right is fine). I also have a slightly sore sinus/nostril on that side at other times as well as a slightly blocked ear. I chalked things up to a deviated septum and actually avoided going to the doctors about it for two months.

    However my HA has started flaring up, and I’ve also noticed a smooth bump in the middle of the roof of my mouth about 5mm in length and 1mm raised at most, that I don’t think was there before (it’s painless and feels slightly numb). I’ve also realised that pain in my top left molars may be connected to all of this. This added fuel to my HA fire and I became convinced that it must be nasal cancer. The realist in me is doubtful, but I’m struggling to silence the HA beast. How worries would you be about these symptoms? I realise I’m seeking reassurance here partly to continue the pattern of HA that I get into.

    To add- I find it really difficult to trust doctors reassurances because of the fact that they failed to diagnose my autoimmune disease (psoriatic arthritis) for 6 years (and dismissed my fears- I basically had to diagnose myself). This experience has led me to believe at times when I am really anxious that I am right and the doctors are missing something.

    This post is mostly a vent, but feel free to offer any advice or help me put things into perspective.

    I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and will update this post then.

    Further info- in 2020 I was convinced I had inflammatory breast cancer, I have acid reflux that sometimes makes me feel like I am chocking so became convinced it was MS, get moles checked convinced I have skin cancer etc. so I know I am illogical 😜

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Sinusitis one sided worries- plus lump on roof of mouth

    I’m sorry you’re going through this.
    You know I noticed similar with one of my nostrils during my many covid tests, I am just assuming I hurt it in some way. I have allergies and I’m always blowing my nose, if something wasn’t inflamed I’d be surprised.

    I’m glad you’re seeing your doctor and I’m sorry about previous problems with them. Maybe it would be good to mention it when you see them, get it out there & hopefully it will make them even more vigilant.

    Keep us updated x

  3. #3

    Re: Sinusitis one sided worries- plus lump on roof of mouth

    Thanks Scass, I appreciate your reply!

  4. #4

    Re: Sinusitis one sided worries- plus lump on roof of mouth

    So doctor said lump in moth was nothing at all to worry about, and I’ve been given spray for a swollen turbinate. To be reviewed in 6 weeks but she said no cause for worry. I will try to push it out of my mind for those 6 weeks!

  5. #5

    Re: Sinusitis one sided worries- plus lump on roof of mouth

    Ok update. I am spiralling now. I have now noticed a lump in the same nostril. This lump is hard and feels a bit like a pimple but without pain. This lump is in the front part of my nostril so was difficult to see before- although I have noticed my covid mask had been making that part of my nose uncomfortable. Am booking in with the ENT and very concerned now that I might have nasal cancer.

  6. #6

    Re: Sinusitis one sided worries- plus lump on roof of mouth

    Talking myself down now (and for the benefit of anyone else with similar worries who searches and reads this later)- the annual incidence of nasal cancer where I live is 2.5 per million for women. I’m sure I am not THAT unlucky. Will still see the ENT as I know I will continue to obsess, but I’ll try to focus on this fact.

  7. #7

    Re: Sinusitis one sided worries- plus lump on roof of mouth

    Quote Originally Posted by Emmalee01 View Post
    Talking myself down now (and for the benefit of anyone else with similar worries who searches and reads this later)- the annual incidence of nasal cancer where I live is 2.5 per million for women. I’m sure I am not THAT unlucky. Will still see the ENT as I know I will continue to obsess, but I’ll try to focus on this fact.
    So ENT was today- he said I have a significant septal deviation which is the cause of my problems and that I can have surgery to correct this in future. Relieved it’s nothing more sinister 😊

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Sinusitis one sided worries- plus lump on roof of mouth

    Excellent news, thank you for sharing & glad you’re ok.

  9. #9

    Re: Sinusitis one sided worries- plus lump on roof of mouth

    Thanks. Unfortunately I have an ENT follow up as my nose has become more sore and crusting/bleeding and my throat has been sore for weeks (antibiotics ineffective) so I’m well past calm. I also have a small but hard lymph node below my jaw. I’m not feeling well and terrified.

  10. #10

    Re: Sinusitis one sided worries- plus lump on roof of mouth

    ENT thinks massive infection and has given more antibiotics. Said he sees no cancer. Said he will take out my tonsils if it doesn’t clear and to relax. I can’t seem to! 😵*💫

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