Hi all,

I have been on escitralopram for quite some time.

My anxiety and depression have increased a lot (my husband is terminally ill so there is a lot of stress at home).

My doctor suggested increasing my dosage to 20mg which I did but I felt really irritable and angry (not even sure if this is related?) So I have now reduced back to 15mg and feeling really anxious and on edge (is this normal?)

I'm at such a loss as to what to try next?. My doctor suggested diazpam 2mg to try whilst I'm feeling like this (but I'm feeling too scared to try these) there's a lot of pressure on me to be 'at my best' for my hubbie and family.

I would like a better medium term approach med wise. I'm too scared to try diazapam, knowing they can be addictive.

Please help with some suggestions (over the years I have tried citralopram, prozac, Sertraline).None of these have helped previously.

Thanks in advance x