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Thread: Having Periods/Bleeding Close Together Worries?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Having Periods/Bleeding Close Together Worries?

    Just to give context - I have PCOS and Hypothyroidism (on meds for it though) and I've always had irregular periods to some degree, and I'm also at the mercy of nature as I'm not on any contraception nor having sexual intercourse and haven't for some time. 34F - overweight (which I'm struggling with massively at the moment with. Not hugely overweight, but enough that it is bothering me).

    Anyway. March 16-27th I had a very light period, more like a spotting and changing from pink/red to brown sometimes. Then it stopped.

    April 15-27th I had a heavy period, which I thought was due to the last one being very light and not a proper period. I also worried because it was so soon after the last one.

    Now today May 18th - light pink show and mild cramping in lower belly. Which is 20 days since last period. Maybe its just me not being use to my periods being this close together, or them being all over, but their all over the place at the moment being like 18-20 days apart for the last 2 cycles. I assume 2 cycles but I don't know.

    Of course I go straight to things like cancer, its what I get super anxious about and panic about. Signs and symptoms and all that.

    I had a smear at the end of 2021, all was clear. I also had a transvaginal ultrasound in September 2021, which just confirmed I had PCOS and cysts, so nothing that shocked me there, but because my doctor knew I was worried, she has me booked in for another transvaginal ultrasound in June.

    I'm very stressed at the moment, I don't know why, but its made me super tired, which doesn't help because I'm so busy during the day and have so many chores and things to do, so I haven't had any time to look after myself properly, or work on losing weight either. I also have horrendous insomnia, and toss and turn all night, sometimes not getting asleep until 4 or 4:30am, most times out of exhaustion. It's a really mentally and physically exhausting thing. I'm on 80mg of slow release half beta prograne, and thought that might have helped with the sleeping as well, but it just helps my blood pressure and anxiety, not sleep.

    I'm just worrying about the bleeding/periods being close together, or if their trying to sort themselves out or something or its just the PCOS and cysts, and the few extra pounds I've put on over the last few months. I worry about cancers as well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Having Periods/Bleeding Close Together Worries?

    There’s nothing you can do apart from wait for your ultrasound really Mischa. The last time I had inconsistent periods it turned out to be a cyst, so if you have one already, as well as pcos, that could well be the cause.

    But stress is also a very possible factor too. Is it the periods making you stressed or something else?

    Be reassured by the clear smear test result as well as your previous ultrasound x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having Periods/Bleeding Close Together Worries?

    @Scass So sorry for not replying! I didn't realise I hadn't posted my reply!! Just lifestyle and being so busy making me stressed, and lack of sleep too.

    Yeah, that was earlier this year, and said no abnormalities, so at least thats one thing.

    I have my ultrasound in June, so not long to wait and see from there. My first one already told me I have PCOS and cysts, so I know that much.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Having Periods/Bleeding Close Together Worries?

    That’s ok!
    Not long to wait, no. It is tough when you can’t see inside yourself to find what’s going on! I know I got really anxious about some pains I was getting in lockdown, which felt exactly like really bad ovulation pains. When I had my ultrasound there was nothing there and they went away after that. I think it was possibly my cyst dissolving, but have no proof. Sometimes our bodies just go through things xx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having Periods/Bleeding Close Together Worries?

    True, glad to hear it was all normal! Yeah, today I've had some very normal cramping, and I also had what I consider to be menstrual blood showing, so I think a period is coming on. Which from my last period would be about 22-23 days since my heavy period back in late April. Before that in March, I had a very light show but it lasted 12 days, which didn't seem to be a full period, so it's all very irregular.

    Before that I had nothing in January or February and very little, light spotting in December, but I was also going through a lot of trauma with my dog dying so December was a high stress month. As I said, lack of sleep, constantly isn't helping me.

    I don't have a fever or anything, and all else feels normal as far as I know. x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Having Periods/Bleeding Close Together Worries?

    I’m sure you’re fine. Pcos plays havoc with your periods x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having Periods/Bleeding Close Together Worries?

    Yeah, in fairness, I've always had some irregularity with them, so it's something I'm use too x Thanks Scass, you're always so kind

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having Periods/Bleeding Close Together Worries?

    I had a very light bleed from 22nd-30th May, then it stopped for a day, and now it's began again. Also, still very light but have typical mild cramping. I'm so confused if this is my PCOS or not?

    I'm also feeling extremely frustrated, from angry to upset to morbildy depressed where it feels like I'm staring into a black hole and empty. I can't describe it really, but its how I feel.

    Obviously I look up anything to do with this, it goes immediately to cancers, which is terrifying. As I said, I had my smear earlier this year which was normal, and I had a vaginal ultrasound in September 2021, which just showed that I have PCOS and cysts I think she said, and my doctor said she would give me another one with the hospital, which I am getting in under 3 weeks time. So that will be 2 vaginal ultrasounds, one for my doctor and one with the hospital gynae.

    I think I'm feeling very scared all the time lately, like a pressure. I'm not having any pain, just very mild cramping, like a period, so I don't know if it is a period trying to come through, or if its some type of spotting. Anyway I just needed to talk about it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Having Periods/Bleeding Close Together Worries?

    It’s horrible when you feel like that. I’m sorry it’s happening to you at the moment, but please believe it will pass.

    I’ve been having weird on and off bleeding for a couple of weeks, but I’m used to it now, it’s very likely to be ovulation or just weird menopause stuff. Yours is very likely to be your pcos or ovulation too.

    Not long until your ultrasound.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Having Periods/Bleeding Close Together Worries?

    @Scass Yeah, you're probably right. Sometimes I forget I have PCOS until I'm reminded with stuff like this and finding it hard to lose weight sorta stuff. The feelings are another thign entirely, I think I'm just feeling a bit numb is all, not knowing what to do.

    My mum had that for quite some time during her menopause. She still gets other symptoms now, years since it started. Part of being a woman I guess lol! Hopefully yours settles down for you. Mine may be my period but just can't breakthrough properly for some reason, or wasn't finished.

    I just get terribly frightened at some points that it does be overwhelming. x

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